Some nights of no dream recall at all?

Having started my quest for lucidity a few weeks ago, I’ve found my dream recall to become much better than before I started out. On good nights I can remember up to four dreams! Pretty much every night since I’ve started, I’ve remembered at least one dream in good detail. I even had a lucid the other night!
Except, with this much success, I found myself having remembered nothing about my dreams this morning. Absolutely nothing. From having a lucid dream among many others I remembered one night to zilch the very next.
Anyone have any experience in nights where you simply don’t have dream recall at all? Even with decent experience with DR? Is it normal? Should I be concerned?
Thanks everyone! :content:

A simple saying. Some night’s you do, some night’s you don’t.

You don’t keep the same mentality, so some times you may not remember.


I have perfect dream recall when I do remember; I can write down up to 20 pages of what happened. However, I also don’t remember my dreams a lot, or just small fragments.

I should probably start writing the fragments down more; it would increase recall, but fragments are so boring; I like writing down stories. : p

Yep ur not alone :smile:

Do not worry, it’s nothing weird, tough I highly bet having a healthy lifestyle, mentality and sleep schedule will help you a lot with recall.
It has happened to me this days, some mornings I have woken up with my head being a total mess, often such nights I find to be restless and my brain is the whole night full of ******, and when I wake up I can’t figure out all the messy nonsense that fills my head.

you know what the best part about my quest to get to lucidity is? :smile: i can remember my dreams before i got a jornal and withought one! :happy: (but i still keep one just in case LOL) XD