Hola everyone, this is my first post
My personal theory as to why it’s so difficult to enter into a conscious dream immediately after we fall asleep - most lucid dreams occur after 4-6 hours or more, depending - is that our derepixelator(DRP), which is responsible for continuity of consciousness during waking life, has not had a chance to recover yet and is something that must be active in order to have a conscious dream. As has been noted in these forums, people are much more likely to induce WILDs when they go to sleep when they’re not yet tired. This would coincide with my theory, as your DRP doesn’t need to recover yet, and with wake-back-to-bed, as your DRP has recovered at least a fair amount, and staying awake for a good amount of time will help it kick back into gear. Consequently, in my experience, if I try the wake-to-bed technique, if i don’t stay awake long enough for my mind to get running, I find it almost impossible to induce a conscious dream - my DRP hasn’t come back to normal yet.
To further this with a little more personal experience and theory, I’ve read discussions on how conscious dreaming could be detrimental to your health. I believe this to be so, if the time spend conscious dreaming isn’t supplemented with a bit more normal dream sleep. Even after a great night’s sleep into a conscious dream, I awake a little tired, although energized at the same time from the euphoria of such dreams. If I don’t add in a short nap each day, by the end of the week I’m a bit edgy and can’t think too clearly.
is where I got the information to base most of this on. Excellent site, blows away any recent research, was started 20 years ago. Difficult read for some, but essential to have a thorough understanding of consiousness and conscious dreaming. www.lucidity.com pales in comparison, imo, although it’s purpose is aimed in a slightly different direction.
That is very interesting.
And yes its hard to go directly in to WILD right when you go to bed but it is very possable.I have done it once before.
Even if it was 2 hours after I went to bed.
That’s a great website, though I don’t really have the time to read it all right now. I am curious to hear how you arrived at the point quoted above. The information I’ve read, combined with my experiences have yet to convince me lucid dreaming has even the smallest negative impact on a person’s wellbeing, physically or psychologically. Without mistaking consciousness for restlessness (and thereby presuming sleep is lost while the mind is conscious), what possible effect could it have?
Are the specific contents of your dreams important? I don’t believe so. Dreams are impulsive images and sensations derived from recent experiences in memory. Does it hurt to change the ‘natural’ topic of your dreams to something else? I guess that’s the question.
If you do a ctrl+f and search for this derepixelator I keep mentioning you’ll quickly get to where I’m basing a lot of this on. Claude explains the function of the DRP and has listed a few other important parts of the brain that are active during consciousness, normal REM sleep, conscious dreaming, etc. The DRP is active during waking life and shuts off during sleep to have a chance to recover, according to Claude. He also states that schizophrenia is essentially a disease of the DRP, so that schizophrenics are left without the ability to have continuity of thought, as if they’re dreaming. I personally notice that by the end of the week if I’ve been having many conscious dreams that I start to become edgy and have trouble concentrating, and this would make sense as I wouldn’t have recovered as much as needed, or I would have burned off some of what I gained from regular REM sleep. Then again, like you, my friend has never had a problem with it. Comparatively, he’s a person that feels refreshed after 7-8 hours of sleep, while I need 8-9 to feel well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯