Some Questions...

I just recently stumbled across lucid dreaming, and I’m considering giving it a shot. However, I just a have a few general questions.

  1. I was reading the section about flying on main website, and it mentioned various techniques and how effective they were. Wouldn’t this differ from person to person, as there isn’t actually any law governing whether something works or how well it works that is consistent between all people?
  2. Another question. On occasion I will be sort of half asleep where I am dreaming, but as soon as I notice I’m dreaming, I wake up. I feel like this may be useful somewhere, but I’m not sure what to do so that I don’t wake up as soon as I realize I’m dreaming.

That’s all for now, but if I stick with it, I’m sure I’ll have many more!

Well, I am also Pretty new too this, but Just last night I had a LD in which I was able too fly. all I really did is sort of levitate at will, without much effort i just starting ascending.
Oh yes and The Half alsleep thing happens too me VERY often, next time it happens, when you wake up…just keep relaxed like you havent really woken up. When I do this these Half asleep dreams will continue, becoming more detailed. Eventually I usually start to consciouslly start too dream. Its hard too explain, but give it a shot.

Hey Aldar. :smile:

It is different, indeed. For instance most of people have trouble flying high, I have trouble staying low… :tongue:
Try not to get to influence by other’s people stories or problems. You can do anything if your mind is free enough. :smile:

Try some MILD before going to sleep, tell yourself that next time you’ll know you’re dreaming you won’t wake up…

This ability may be usefull to do some succesfull WILD too in the near future… :content:

Indeed… :smile:

Thanks for your answers!

Question #3! Everything says to periodically do reality checks. Is this while your falling asleep, or are we supposed to try and breathe through our fingers while eating lunch?

Question #4! Is it possible to practice LDing so that almost always can LD when you try, or is it more random?

RCs are to be done during daytime. You can do them anytime but it is a lot more efficient if you do them everytime you see or do something that you see or do in your most recurrent dreams.

So if you have luch often in your dreams, it might be a good time to do a RC IRL, yes… :tongue:

Some people claim they can LD at will. It depends on the technique you use, I guess those who do well at WILD can sucess most of the time they try.

But even without WILD you can get a good “score”, i had about 90 LD, and only a couple WILDs…

The WILD is not necessery to have good LD.

As far as your question on flying: Recently I was having a ND where I started flying. I soon realized that I must be dreaming because I obviously cannot fly in real life. I became lucid and I tried to control where I was going by imagining energy coming from my feet to push me foward superman style (I think I read this technique on the main site). Anyways, as soon as I tried controling my flight, I crashed into the ground and woke up. I think whatever technique you try it will take practice to get it right. :fly:

Q #1:
Yes, the effectiveness of a certain technique does vary amoung different people. The few times I’ve flown though, I’ve never had any trouble. I usually realize I’m dreaming and allow myself to be lifted into the air without any bounds.

Q #2:
That happens to me sometimes. Try reminding yourself, “I am dreaming.” a few times before you go to sleep. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Q #3:
I personally use reality checks when ever I remember to. They are meant to be used during the day so a habit can be formed, causing you to do one in a dream. Also, after you lie in bed after you wake up thinking about your dreams, do an RC incase you are in a false awakening. ( FA )

Q #4:
That really depends on what you mean. Even the experts have ND’s. But if you become and experienced WILDer you should be able to have an LD easily. I’m no pro myself, I usually get them randomly during the night, WILDing isn’t really my thing; if you do use that technique though, you should use it with WBTB since it is hard to use at night.

:welcome: Hey, Aldar.

All depends on who you are. If you’re having a high-level LD, then you’ll realize that you can do whatever you want anyway and can do whatever you wish without expecting them to fail. Lower-levels may have power control, so you can try them out. :smile:

This is the perfect spot for WILDing! :cool_laugh: I do it all the time, it’s great. Just repeat the process over again until you stay asleep. Then you can have a nice, high-level LD. :grin:

Do it aaaaaaaaaall the time. It’ll build up a habit and eventually get into your dreams.

Perfect practice makes perfect. :wink: Of course you can’t really practice perfectly, since nobody’s perfect[size=9](good thing I’m a Nobody xP)[/size], but you can get increasingly better and have them more and more often. Soon you’ll have tons a month! ^^
