Some Suggestions

Hello fellow dreamsers.

I am new to this forum but not the idea of lucid dreaming. I was wondering if any of you vetern dreamers could give me some suggestions on what I need to do. I started last week with my dream journal. I have always been able to remember dreams and have had a few lucid dreams in the past. I have about six dreams in my journal now, and hav esince writting my dreams down had a lucid dream. About 10-15 times a day I ask myself :Am I dreaming?" and go threw my journal for dreamsigns as well. Last night I had a dream that I wokeup, dwrote in my hournal and got up and started my day, to include asking myself, “am I dreaming.” I did not become lucid. Do you guys have any suggestion as to what I am doing wrong. I don’t remember seeing the words I was writting, as readable but thats not much of a change, I am dyslexic an dmy writting is just short of unreadable anyway. Thanks!

Ok, it seems that when I try WILD, I keep myself aware, with the lighrs and flashes happen but when I dream it never works. I dream and not really notice I am dreaming, its a little fustrating. I journal, and do RC, any other suggestions?

You say you ask yourself if you are dreaming, but what about Reality checks? If you don’t do reality checks how do you propose to answer the question? What basis do you have? If you are really dyslexic maybe the text RC is not the most suitable one but it should work anyway. Stare at the text and see if it changes before your eyes.

I will try that! And I will accompany a RC with my question as well, thanks!

I hope you guys can help me…

Ok the WBTB is so far the only method that has resulted in one lucid dream so far. I tried it last night. I went to be aroudn 12:30am and got up at 5:00am. I stayed up for ecactly a hald hour and went back to bed. It took me another half hour to go back to sleep. Right before I drifted off I saw the flashing lights and colors and considrated on making it form a shape of a dream object, which it did. At this point a very strange and pwer tingling sensation surround the top foward half of my head. I noticed this feeling the exact time I became lucid last sunday when I realized I coudl not run. As the tingling started the dream formed around me, but as soon as it form it slipped away agin. I triend looking at my hands and spinning and falling backwards, but I was out of the dream and back into the flashing lights before It kicked in. What did I do wrong? What can I do?

Can anybody make any suggestions?

You didn’t do anything “wrong.” You were experimenting and you got to a certain distance. Now that you know you can do that, strive to go further. Keep your motivation and intention high, and eventually you will find success.

As stated in this post: … 761#357761
by holy reality,

It is as easy as you will let it be.

In my opinion that was a very successful step forward. Keep trying and you will get it :smile:


Thank you, This thread this great!


I read that thread, early this morning…it worked!

Ok, I had 4 lucid dreams in a row last night. First I went to be, then got up around 4:50am, with out the alarm. Did the WBTB method. Read some threads including the one you suggested and went back to sleep. First I became lucid in dream where I was in a house I used to live in as a child. As soon as I walked up the steps it started to fae, but I spun like a top in my dream. It was all black, but quickly my ears where filled witht he most beautiful jazz music I ever heard, like Monk but better. I realized that I was dreaming and the music was comeing from inside me. It felt so good. I could see the chord changes like juctions in a railway station. After about five minutes of this I was standing in a warm quite sunburb/city street. I looked at my hands in the dream, they where glowing. I knew I was dreaming and rubbed my hands togther. I matained my lucidy and looked up at the sky. It was ht emost beautiful blueish, black night sky. I tried to fly but got about 5 feet off the ground and came gently back down. At this point I asked to summon my spririt guide. Suddly a spareish spaceship came out of the dream sky and landed in front of me. I crawel into the minuature ship and knock with my finger on one of the hatches. A 6 inch tall, yoda liek alein came ot of it and said he was my spirit guide. I asked for my symbol and he gave it to me plus his card, but I could not read it. I coudl not remember what my symbol looked like. After that I crawled out of the ship and it took off. I walk to a sleepy ampartment flat and went inside. Lets just sau this part is better left censored, but I tested my lucidity in many other ways if you know what I mean. After that I tried to summon a friend of mind, and when I did I was back in my home, that I live in now. Inside a tall blonde white guy i have never seen before stopped me from summing her and told me that I can’t see her. He dissapeared and I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was trippy! the glass was like water and I looked also unsatble like fluid myself. At this point I woke up in my bed. I aske dmyself if this was a false awaking. Tis caused me to llok for a watch at the side of my bed. I found it on my wrist the next second and looked at it. It was not working. Then I realized that I owned no watch and it was not working. At this point I walked to the window in my room, opened it and jumped out and flew about 100 feet down before swooping back up and heading for the stars. I woke up after that!
What a trip!
Thanks for the link to the thread, I belived I could and I did, its really that simple!

Wow, thats a very impressive LD. Congratulations. That thread also helped me have two lucid dreams, one each day after I read it.

Congratulations giedosst! :grin:


:grin: Wow, congratulations on your lucid dreams! You accomplished a ton, it sounded awesome. [size=75]I may have to try that thread by Holy Reality some more…[/size]

That sounds so cool… I haven’t heard any incredible music, yet, but this made me even more interested in it.

I know, it feels really good to know I have beautiful music in me, music is my life!
now I know, theres’ no doubt in my mind, I must get it out!