Hi. I’ve just started getting into all of this. My friend told me about it. He is also pretty new. From what I read I should concentrate on remembering my dreams first, then work on realizing that I am dreaming. Does that sound right? Does keeping a journal help? Any suggestions or comments would be great. Thanx.
Hey psychodrummer… Im just seriously learning about lucid dreams myself. Ive known about it for a year or maybe a little more, but Im finally really focusing on it. But since Im new here, I dont know a whole lot, but you seem to be on the right track. Focus on dream recall first, that’s where Im at right now. Then focus on the getting lucid. I keep a dream journal, today will be my 6th dream in it. But I hope you have a nice time at the forum, it’s a really nice one.
psychodrummer420: I do certainly wish you a good luck! Welcome to ld4all.com forum, it’s a great place! And yes, you’re on the right track. Try and recall your dreams until you feel that they’re good enough, then you can go from there. Just remember that you can’t go ahead and try to have a LD if you don’t remember your dreams. It doesn’t make senses, of course. Again, I welcome you with honor and do wish you the best LDing journey!
Here is what I and many of my friends have done and seems to work very well. First, i never even made a dream journal. there are 2 signs in your dream to think about. Think about these and your most recent dreams when you go to sleep. In your dream when you see a clock, look back at the clock and the time will be totally different. OR when you walk into a room try to turn the lights on or off, they won’t change (IE if they were on they won’t turn off, if off they won’t turn on)…as soon as you realize this, BOOM you will be thrown into conciousness and more than likey the first time you come to full conciousness you will wake up very quickly after realizing it. (there are different things that happen for different people when they realize they are dreaming the first time. For me it was like if you can imagine a piece of artwork made of sand, then a vacuum coming from above and sucking all the sand up until everything turned white…i’ve heard people say they’re started being pulled up into the air faster and faster until they awake). My first experiences with Lucidity were just laying in bed thinking about those signs and my past dreams…then my dreams started continueing where i left off, and certain things in my dreams i couldn’t do before i was able to do now (IE running away from something i could never run at full speed, well i started being able to outrun things. Also falling i would always jump awake right before hitting the ground, well i was able to hit the ground and be just fine) Finally after about 3 days of my dreams continuing i finally had the clock experience and actually one i saw the clock, i looked at the light switch and tried to turn the light off…thats when i realized i was dreaming and came to conciousness. Well hope this helps, if you have any questions i will be happy to answer in more detail.
Hi, I’m new here too. I do drumming myself, and I’m guessing that you do too. This forum looks like quite a nice place, ie. there’s a lot less bickering than in other forums I’ve been to. Or maybe I just haven’t noticed yet. Anyway, hi. Lucid dreaming sounds fun, does it not?