Something about dealing with low lucidity

A lot of people here get and ask about dreams with low lucidity.
Usually, it would be recommended to practice more to get more vivid dreams and things like that.

However, there is one thing I do and it always works:
When I become lucid, I usually don’t have much control of the dream whatsoever.
But then, I open my eyes. Don’t try to open your real eyes, since it will probably result in waking up (it only happened once to me). Try to open your ‘‘dream eyes’’ instead.

In my case, it always (except that one time) results in me ending up in my room with COMPLETE lucidity.

You’ll probably want to set your intention to doing that, since you might not remember to do it.

Umm…I’d like to go in detail here, but I really have nothing else to say.
It’s definitely worth a shot.

You MIGHT lose a dream with low lucidity, but you might also have a hell of a lucid dream and learn how to deal with low lucidity forever.
I wish you all luck.Feel free to ask anything :smile:

Well, I haven’t been able to WILD lately as cause monday-friday i have football practice at 6:00 AM and I only get 6.5 hours of sleep. But all my low-levels have been from DILD’s

So you’re saying that you’ve just become lucid in the dream (presumably with dream eyes open?) and then open your eyes…more?

Or are you saying that when you WILD you open your dream eyes at a certain point?

Confused : /

But it’s like in my DILD’s it feels like a normal dream that i have no control and the lucid stuff is all routine, and i haven’t been able to WILD

I don’t get it. When I LD with a low lucidity level (happened a lot) my eyes are open, or else I couldn’t see what’s happening to me. What do you mean by “opening your eyes”, when they are already open ? Or do you mean to imagine yourself another, new pair of eyes which you open ?

You could do the following: When having low lucidity imagine that you have a gaming helmet on your head which makes you see things. Take it off and you will be in full lucidity :content:

That makes more sense. When you find time, please go intro more details…

Yes, my first post must sound confusing, so I’ll try to explain.
Yes, when I’m lucid with low lucidity, my dream eyes are open, but I have no control over the dream and it’s really unclear.

As if my real dream eyes aren’t open.
When I go over this again, I can see that I might sound insane, but I’m able to open my eyes again and find my self in my room (always in the same place) where I am lucid and everything is clear like in real life.

It might sound strange until you find yourselves in that situation.

When you have low lucidity, think of it like this, first become lucid, then become lucid, then become lucid, then you have to become lucid, after that you have become lucid, youll then have to become conscious, and once your conscious, increase your level of conscious in the dream, and then do it again, and again. You do this until your low level of lucidity, becomes the level you wish it to be, so you can gain the amount of control you wish to have.

Well it feels like a normal dream for me. Like it seems like i don’t know that i’m dreaming

It is like this because you say this! When you say this, you completely believe it don’t you? I’m going to tell you through LL, this is not true, and completely BS. The reason it seems its true, is because you said it enough, it became autosuggestion, then works like autosuggestion. Since I told you this, you can drop this perception of thought and understand it is not like an ND for you, it as vivid and controllable to you, as you want it to be. As you understand this perception, you can get rid of this block you created, that wasn’t there to begin with, and you can begin to control it as you wish, more and more as time goes by and this perception is solidified, and cancels out your autosuggestive thought you previously had, you can replace this lack of control, with complete control.

Oh, so it’s like a consciously induced FA! :happy:

I’m not sure why but this sounds rather interesting. I’ll try to remember this.

I kind of thought it would, thats why I just said it like that, if you know what I mean, its the best possible way I could think of explaining a theory that could work, allowing you to possibly have a way of having complete control of LDs. I have not tried this, if you are good at LDing, try it and let me know what you think, and let me know if it it starts to work better for having more control than before. As I do not know. I just truly believe if you think of it like this in an LD, you will kind of gain a different perspective and maybe gain a new type of control where its easier to use.

Yes, this is EXACTLY what it is. You know how before a FA you open your eyes and you think you’re awake.

That’s it! Thanks for that.
Yeah, you should try it, it always works for me :smile:

uhm, what? :bored: I’m talking about Antares’ post. The first post, on topic. :tongue:

SPOILER - Click to view

PS: :bored:

PPS: hey, where did your post come from? :tongue: wasn’t there when I clicked “post”. Anyway, had a short LD this morning, to resperate to keep things stable, didn’t even remember this =/

I think it sounds very interesting, and if you put your intent to it - I’m sure you can “wake up” at any place you desire.

Well. I had another low lucid on wednesday night