something about WBTB

So, I’ve had a recent lucid streak :content: and they’ve all been from after waking up in the morning. BUT, instead of staying up, I always go right back to sleep, and it still works. So, I’m thinking maybe you don’t have to stay up. I stay awake only until I get a grasp on reality, then go back to sleep and it works fine for me. I want to know, is this just me? Would someone else try this?

I allways wake up( have not had a complete night in years) I always hate it expept its during RM sleep so I get to remember most dreams!
I tryed that I always hate it but i will use it to my advatege

WBTB works differently for different people. For me, I only have to wake up for an instant before I can get back to sleep. I’ve heard that it works better for others if they stay up an hour or longer…

Yes, it all depends on how “awake” your brain gets durring the wakeup. Some people don’t “wake up” their brain enough so they just go back to sleep and ether don’t dream or forget their dreams. They need to spend enough time awake to “wake up” their brain. For others just wakeing up and going back to sleep is enough. If you wake up from a dream, and then go back into the same dream, that is chaining.

I’m WBTBing right now, and I finally actually got up. I agree; shorter time out of bed is better. I actually just wanted to use the bathroom :razz:

I had my first Hypothingy state three mornings in a row from waking up at the wrong time, then immedidately going back to bed.
however I have to make sure I don’t move, because that ruins it all.

I’m way ahead of you. :happy: I’ve been attempting WILD this way. The only problem is that sometimes, I’m too tired to remain concious until I enter the dreaming state. :neutral: Most of the time, though, there doesn’t seem to be any problem with skipping the time spent awake.

There’s a potential advantage to doing it this way if you can remember any dream(s) when you wake up. You can focus on replaying the dream(s) in your head and kill two birds with one stone. You’ll have something to focus on while attempting WILD, and this repetition will help you remember your dream(s) so you can write them down later. :content:

Ive got the diverse problem.

It happends that after writing in my dj im too aeake, and dont get my sleep :meh:

any tips ?

That’s exactly why I simply go back to sleep when I wake up for WBTB. I’m afraid that I’ll be too wide awake to fall asleep again! Can you fall asleep again if you just keep laying there and don’t write in your DJ? If so, try replaying any dreams you remember in your head a few times, or more… perhaps think of what you might write in your DJ… this always helps me remember my dreams until I’m up for the day and ready to record them. :smile:

The problem is that i cannot write in the DJ in the morning, if i dont write in the night, i cannot write in weekdays.

So I kind of have to :meh:

Ill try the replay thing :smile:

You can wake up half an hour early and write down your dreams… :content:

I WBTB every night (but it doesn’t always work) and I never get up, I just go right back to sleep whithout even getting out of my bed…