Okay, here’s what you do. Go into a room that is closed off (no windows) and has a light (do this at night). Okay, so, now, stare at a point on a wall or anywhere really, for a little while (twenty seconds or less). Then turn the lights out (make sure you’re standing next to the light switch and don’t have to move from where you are. When you turn the light out, you should be able to see the entire room in your eyes. A bit darker, maybe, but fairly clearly. This has nothing to do with LD or anything, and it has absolutely no signifigance. BUT IT’S FUN! Anyway, try it…
Cool idea. This might help with visualization, so I think I’ll try it out. Another thing you can do is staring at someone for a couple of minutes (in a situation where its natural to look at somebody for a long time, like a speech or something), and then close your eyes and see if the person is still there.
Yes, it does sound… interesting. I shall try it the next time I go to the bathroom.
I just tried it in my bathroom and it did not work for me. I stared for exactly a twenty count.
I also found that this works mcuh easier after meditation…
this seems intresting have to try it before i go to bed ^^
I guess this is the natural effect of afterimage?? Wont closing your eyes produce equal results?
Probably, tomas, but it’s cooler the way I explained cause it’s like you can see in the pitch black.
I’ll try at night in the bathroom … It would be cool 8P
LOL, I do this all the time. Never knew so many people didn’t know about it.
I tried just now, I kept staring at a wall about 2 metres away from me… Didnt move, didn’t move my eyes… I turned of the lights… And I suddenly didn’t saw anything anymore… pitchblackness… For like… 7 seconds…
It works better if you meditate first.