To make a long story short: I was sitting in a car and I was quite tired. I was reading a book, but after a while I had to stop and rest my eyes for a while. After I closed my eyes I guess I must have fallen asleep. The strange thing was that I then started dreaming that I was reading! And it was easy to read and understand everything and so on, just like reading while being awake. It even unfolded into a short story which came out of what seemed like nowhere (I hadn’t read the story in my book, but it was the same characters and fantasy-based type of story).
I’ve read (on this site?) that it is very rare that this happens, and when it happens it’s pretty much impossible to remember the exact text. I wonder why, any theories?
i don’t know about remembering the text, but i do know that when you read and get tired and you are struggling to keep awake you fall in this very light sleep and often you are dreaming about things you just did. this happened to me once. it’s not hard to realise that you’re dreaming, but the problem is that it’s really hard to stay lucid because the sleep is so light. when i realised i was dreaming i was immediately awake. there was no lucidity really.
Keep in mind that we are all just sharing our experiences here to learn more and help other people learn lucid dreaming. The bottom line is that nothing is impossible when it comes to dreaming.
I have never read a book or anything in a dream but, I have read signs and book covers. They will look perfectly normal and make sense when I first look at them. However, if I look away then look back it will always change. Of course I also expect that this will happen.
i don’t see what’s so odd about this.
i have no problems reading in a dream… (altough it’s more like i see a page, and without reading it word by word i know what is says, it’s like you read the whole page in one eye-catch)
only if i focus my attention on something completely else, and then focus back on the reading, the reading has changed.
the text only changes when i withdraw my attention from it and look back at it…
i have done a few small experiments on this a few years ago when i was heavily into lding. it came to me after i read the majority of a book inside a dream that i found extremly intersting. i will just give a quick retell
i was at my school sitting at a desk reading a book, this dream was late in my rem cycle must have been around 8am or somthing, i read quickly and was very involved in the book and sometimes i even turned the pages back just to re read somthing that i didnt quite get and the text was still the same, when i noticed that my class had actually let and i was the only one in the toom i decided to leave and find them, as i left the room i stoped and realised that i was dreaming. and it occoured to me that i had read half a book and the text didnt change. then i awoke into a FA that turned into another lucid dream with text shown on a projecter talking about lucid dreams and the nature of it, which turned into another FA into another LD in which there was no text at all!
after that dream i realised that it isnt always the text that changes but it is increadibly hard to remember. after a few experiments i seemed to prove this, with some texxt that i really tryed hard to remember and i could but if i just let it slip apon awakening it didnt seem like the text that i had read made any sence, but the in some other lucid dreams the text is clearly moving or not making anysence at all.
What i figured from it might have been the level of awareness of that part of your brain, if it is hightened then the text will make sence if it isnt, itwont. but then i have no way to prove that yet lol soo…