Something Ive noticed about cropcircles.

all i can discern is that he is saying " you believe in that there is a conspiracy"
in that, when someone like Paul here say s"Yes the US government is openly covering up UFOs even while our nation declassifies them, " then goes on to talk about instance where some Canadian jets were taken down by the force fields around saucers,

then , to me, his words are simply confirmation of that,
now if i were to disbelieve that the US covered such things up, although the Larry King Live discussion on Rosewell SHOWED this cover up , the fake things they did, the lies they told the public, so that is in itself proof…

but if i were to disbelieve in that, then heard this man speak, i would be inclined to agree with him, as most all people would, which would spark interest in investigating if what he said was true, which is what Rhewin advocates,

disbelief in these ideas when looking at all the evidence which is evidence, not “evidence” seems to come from some sort of very negative type of beingness.

i cannot think of any people that would not at least be very open to the idea after encountering all of this information, especially what Paul H recently said, I do not see Paul H as part of a conspiracy, no.

WASD your video is nice but it is also in itself flawed

without the other being knowing for instance, that the fan was the ause of the movement of the lamp, both of them would be equally closed minded, as in, if the other being knew that something else, something “super natural” which there is no such thing, it is true, as everything in existence is and can be measured and observed, then… understand … re=related

watch this documentary : you will have to come to a conlusion of how thi sman can sit atop a blazing bonfire for so many hours with only his beard being lightly singed, as the wood beneath him turns to ashes,
as his clothes are easily burned with a regular fire ONCE they take the clothes off him
HIS explanation is it is a power given to him by a mantra,
the documentary maker had no explanation at all, as they measured his clothes for chemicals that might block these flames

do you think that this is supernatural ? that depends on what you mean by supernatural, i say it is natural, and it is phenomenal , and it cannot be measured by our instruments, but , the problem is our own senses are instruments.

i won’t say ghosts are real, i haven’t met them, i will say that energies are real, including energies that can move objects by the focus of mind, and i have seen those, regardless,

all your video is doing is making people into clones of that way of analysis, its just analysis, there are many ways to analyze,

i think the point is to be eager to understand multiple ideas and come to know the truth, to examine and critically look at, to investigate fully, to learn,

the thing is that the scientific process is not infallible, because guess what, the people doing the observations are influencing the results no matter what they do , they can’t help it ! that’s quantum physics and has been proven, subatomic particles change based upon how we expect them to behave,

why would a scientist do a study for instance on drugs, if he knew a better thing to use for his desires and goals than drugs, he would be wasting his time, he would not need to spend his lie proving drugs were bad, when he could instead pioneer something else productive and useful for reality rather than cynicism, so for scientists to get together and shoot people and animals full of drugs shows where their thoughts and focuses and ideas are lingering

men of science came up with the idea that slaves who ran away were diseased mentally and they called it draptomania, the psychological sciences are still sciences but they are pathetic at times. so you see,

IT IS SO that the mean of scientific analysis are just as flawed of men as superstition, they are just using different systems, , it is just that men of sceince are a bit more willing to not come to rigid conclusions and allow doubt and interest to keep them learning, whereas men of other systems may not be.

the ultimate paradox is in that your video is presenting ideas, and the ideas become systems, and the ideas become dogmatic, they assert that the way they are showing you to look at how the world operates is the correct way , they themselves become an institution. it becomes very hard to really discern what open mindedness is, except the willingness to find the truth, and what is the truth


there are so many reasons to cultivate and fertilize, exemplifying that the attitudes in that video are not in and of themselves conducive to our well-being

for example newton did NOT discover gravity, every single baby on the face of this earth discovered gravity in their first few years, gravity is obvious, newton just went about describing something as much as he possibly could until a system came up for him to work with, the patterns created allow manipulation of reality and matter and that is magic,

as in, science is magic.

do you know how stupid it is to say netwon discovered gravity, or the law of gravity didn’t people play sports before newton noticed an apple fall from a tree ? that is mass indoctrination if i’ve ever heard it.

didn’t people invent inventions utilizing the obviousness of matter falling ?
newton just took words and ascribed a system around something obvious,
the system allowed us to refine our focus within a language that allowed us to greater exert our will over energy and mass , and matter, science = magic

science is utizliing the will to do something that before was inconveiable , and would be supernatural

cave men didn’t have glass, or light-bulbs,
how the devil did we get light-bulbs ? this world is puzzling beyond measure and yet somehow someone set his will about to manifest this and that then ideas came and he worked with the ideas until they worked then we have a laptop and a computer and movies ,

do you know how foolish it is to say that we cannot fly across the universe and visit planets with ease ?

sure it might take a while, we didn’t go from , supposedly, being cave-men, if that’s what we were, who just barely understood how to have bonfires, to having pcs and spaceships and space shuttles, but the law of science proves that whatever a man shall focus upon, he shall bring into reality and find the means to make his ambitions plausible, then, attainable, then attained, then, his-story.

i present the idea that within the vastness of the known universe it is impossible for there to not be highly developed, technologically advanced beings, however that idea may not be a scientific idea :happy:

ex :

wikpedia says Mr Newton was around in the 1500-1600 s ,
now, wikpedia says the catapult was around as early as the something BC’s,
so i concur (with myself ! ) that the people who invented catapults probably already understood the law of gravity , although perhaps not in the same way as newton described it, what do they tell us about laws in science class,

they might just be changed completely or disproven in time, but for now they are an operating system.

i will however say , nweton was surely not the first man who noticed that things fell, then went about measuring their falling, and figuring things out about that.
although this doesn’t have much anything to do with UFOs necessarily.

yeah… your right… none of that has much to do about anything>?! What are you on about?!

2 quick points…Firstly - as for the ‘disclosure’ documentary being ‘leaked’ onto you tube - I would hardly say that it was leaked. Its actually called a viral marketing campaign. Such a campaign is designed to produce the exact sort of reactions you are providing - basically producing free marketing for this so called documentary which you are ensuring that it will do very well financially. Ha… and you fell for it! Don’t believe me? I’m not being negative here - just realistic as we use the exact sort of marketing campaigns where I work. Social media… its a wonderful thing! :tongue: However, we do not have a subtext that it was leaked onto the internet - creating such tactics only brings any evidence they produce already into disrepute by such an act of abhorrent dishonesty.

Second point - to make it clear what GD was getting at: You are telling us that the governments are corrupt about the information they are providing (not all, some). Again, then this gives you a very good reason to take any information they tell you with a grain of salt. By way of example (no offense here is meant to US government officials that may be lurking these boards! :peek: )… the US government tells you there are no UFOs - the conspiracy theorists cry ‘COVER UP!’ and the US government are thus proven to be dishonest and untrustworthy. The same dishonest and untrustworthy US government tells you there are UFOs - then that’s OK? Yet the US government is already proven to be dishonest and untrustworthy?! Making disclosure rather pointless and irrelevant, as now we have two versions of the truth of which we do not need to believe. At least the US government is being consistent!

AND anyway, in the event that there were aliens, and all that you have been saying is true - put yourself in the position of the Barrack Obama. Today, I am going to tell the world that aliens exist… I understand from your posts that you have considered some of the implications that such a revelation could yield… but I don’t think you have considered the negative consequences that a revelation of that magnitude would most certainly unveil. For starters… millions-upon-millions of people’s world view is destroyed in an instant!! Religious groups that have existed for a few thousand years, their whole dogma and the societies (ie the USA) built around that dogma would fall into dissent, they would be loss, their would be a profound global psychological impact, and I guarantee many many suicides. Do you want to be the president responsible for all that global chaos and misery? Disclosure would certainly answer some questions, even some BIG questions (you know, God and all of that - which will cause more fighting). But it would also propose a lot more questions - and humans fight enough of who is right - we don’t need something else to fight over. The number of those waiting for aliens to come and save us is far fewer than those who are being saved already.

IF the governments are withholding information about aliens, I can only assume they are doing so responsibly, taking into consideration the global impact such a revelation would negatively reflect. Perhaps, long term it would be OK… I am talking generations here… but then you will always be remembered in history as the dumb-ass president who screwed up the globe for so long!

As carnun clarified, what I am saying is what makes this persons statement that all these things happened, irrefutable evidence that UFOs exist and not the official stance of the US being there has been no UFO contact irrefutable evidence that there has been no contact. Why do you declare this man’s words irrefutable, and not the US government’s.

You make the argument that “this person is influential and significant.” What is more influential or significant that the US Governments official line. It either matters how significant somebody is within government, So it’s logical to trust the US government over some random Canadian politician, or it doesn’t. In which case all you have posted is a video with a story from a man, nothing irrefutable about it whatsoever.

There isn’t an escape clause of well I think X person has vested interest in this so don’t trust them, but I can’t think of any reason for Y person to lie, so their statement is irrefutable. Your inability to think of a reason doesn’t make it irrefutable.

I’m also not saying we should discount and ignore what has been said. My issue is with what you make of this. It is a demonstration of why no matter how many peoples views you have, or how many believers there are in something, and no matter how influential they are, it is not a proof. (Not that I believe in objectivity anyway, but I hope people will understand what I am trying to communicate.) This forms a reasoning I have seen exemplified, in that people believe something so completely and want others to as well, to prepare, to experience the wonder they feel, for whatever reasons. The result is they fabricate evidence / lie about what they have seen, to make others believe, and they do so with genuine intentions. I’m not saying this is the case here, but it is a possibility.

I get it, ‘men of science’ say things you don’t like, so you attack them and accuse them of malpractices and wasting their time, and bias. A bit unloving don’t you think? :meh:

The fact is, science has enabled a lot by facilitating and allowing manipulation of the world around us in ways that could only be imagined 100 years ago. So regardless of ‘flaws’ or ‘failings’ don’t you think that has earned science at least some respect?

Do you realize you are attacking people for being lazy with their phrasing. Of course Newton didn’t create, and wasn’t the first to notice gravity. He was however instrumental in understanding and helping to define a system that works as a description for it. This advanced us in many fields of science and improved our ability to manipulate the world in the long run.

Science is just an exercising of your views? Perhaps this is a way to gain some credibility?

That you can achieve something impressive without understanding the precise design. However I do suspect these prehistoric people, as impressive as their catapults are, would have no idea where to start when it came to flight, or designing an aircraft for example. The combined contributions and descriptions has achieved a large amount, even if each contribution seems obvious.

A quote comes to mind here;
“There is a single light of science, to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.”
However small that brightening is, it should be valued and appreciated. Your undermining and invalidating attitude and behavior is quite stunning, when you frequently say “love love love”

It’s the SC that believes in what you want to believe. If someone say “Pancakes for dinner!” and someone else “No pancakes for dinner!”, I will still believe there will be pancake for dinner since thats what I want*. It’s hard to accept and it’s stronger then we think.

*presuming that both persons have about the same credibility, like if one parent said pancakes and the other no pancakes.

This case is kinda like that. And if one authority says one thing then another starts saying the opposite, I’d say most people would believe the one saying the opposite and believing that the first on is hiding something (or are unaware).

yes , i would say so too ,


now the docu i pisted i love the first few segments, lots of testimonies form fighter pilots, government officials, etc,
but towards the end it gets into ideas about “abudctions” and i don’t prefer to think about those angles because they are usually pessimistic, i was hoping it would be a much more “here is the evidence, look at all the UFOs” style, which it was in the first half, highly impressive,

point being no way to deny this , pictures, videos, drawings, testimonies from all sorts of authorities , not just about craft, but about seeing beings in them

but i guess it doesn’t lead anywhere until or if disclosure is to happen

True, and in defining beliefs there is no ‘right’ way in an objective sense in my opinion. The only thing I have to say is, if you are using the persons ‘authority’ or ‘position’ as a defining factor in credibility, then the words of all the government of America is more credible than one Canadian politician. Both in authority level and number of persons with authority.

If you use “what fits my beliefs” as a defining factor, you aren’t seeking evidence, you are seeking reassurance of your beliefs… and you shall find it. I have no issue with people doing this, but if it is what you are doing, please be honest with yourself and others about it.

Maybe, and I can see what you are saying here, the problem I have is stated above though.

The issue is, there is no ‘nullifying’ evidence that can be presented. Other than the fact that the UFO sightings aren’t all the same, or that the sightings conform to popular images of UFOs. How many times and by how many species do we say we have been visited by to explain this away.

There is a viral marketing program running right now. Where the company has produced media showing the picture of a variant of a man, and saying have you dreamed about this man. They created a back-story that all across the world people have been dreaming about him. I’ve seen on several occasions people discussing this with awe. They believed it was real, it must be, many people have dreamed about it. How long I wonder until somebody interprets an experience as being related to this man. When they announce it, it will add to the belief, more people will interpret experiences as being down to this. It’s a form of hysteria, and it’s one of the things which makes your ‘evidence’ deniable, and refutable. No matter who the person is, they are susceptible to this type of manipulation.

GD what is your explanation for the testimony of the military officials as per that video who had a craft land and being come out of it, then were given drugs by officials and taught that their story wasn’t true ?

one explanation is there could be a massive conspiracey to convince people that UFOs are real when they are not, although , given the sheer amount of testimony from credible people such as fighter pilots, etc, average people, we can at least operate with the idea that ships , or things, that are defying what we understand of physics based upon our current capacity to move through skies, are ,

rather, constantly here, including the UFO monitoring station in norway , which has given time lapse footage of a phenomenon which is not “gas” or any such thing of that sort.

now, i know the stories of BEINGS are a bit more tricky to work with, but , these visitations often happen while others are awake, not just normal people either but military whistle blowers ? so did you , or any-body watch the docu-mentary that i posted ?

I was not super fond of the segment about abductions and etc but I found the information on the craft very fascinating.

GD have you watched it Do you really feel that it is not plausible to say that given all of this evidence that there are no UFOS, and that the things that are flying so incredibly fast are some sort of weather anomalies or weather balloons or loch ness monsters or etc ?

trigonometry proves the idea that the tremendous spiral in Norway last december could not have been a failed missile, it would have had to spin faster than any missile could ever possibly spin

but yes if you draw up a graph and make up pictures of how a missile could spin and create a spiral then it will seem that way, that is called propaganda.

i guess in order to investigate UFOs you either want to prove them or disprove them and if you want to disprove them the facts are stacked against you and you have to go to things that AREN’T ufos , and ARE weather anoamlies, etc, as your evidence, or simply slander the credibility of countless testimony, including from astronauts ! :happy:

also i had one out my window, it was a pink light, it was hovering, then it moved over me, it made me a bit doubtful as it was small and began to sound like an airplane but while it was hovering it had no sound and while it was moving also it had no sound, it seemed to produce sound on purpose when before it wasn’t, and it was seconds after meditating and asking to see one, i took a picture but the picture is not very good and simply shows a small light.

it seemed to fly over houses, stop around some general area for a bit, then fly around and make huge airplane noise, but not always making noise,

it is not the most incredibly credible thing but is nice :happy:

++ around this tim ethere was youtube sightings happening of light craft with a red and blue light on the sides, small, that were not airplanes, but were sometimes mimicking the behavior of them , sometimes making sound, sometimes not, in my telescope i saw the lights on the side of ths thing :
what airplane has a bright pink light that makes it look like a planet in size , and also two lights on the side of it ? that when photographed looks orange, at night time, at such a small altitude over a small town ?

do any airplanes have red and blue lights, on one “wing” ( though i could not see wings , but could not see that closely ) is red and on the other, blue ?
why ?

airplanes very well MAY have those lights i have no idea, that is hwy i am asking.

there’s even a guide there.


watch the video .

one day they are going to come on our tv speaking to our face and some of you guys will still think they are just weather balloons …

psychedelic geometrically perfect physically “impossible” weather balloons photographed by multiple sources.

remember, in order to lie you don’t have to give the truth, you just need a story and a graph or two

when you do the math the spiral in Norway was not a missle, it would not be possible for one to spin fast enough to create the dozens if not hundreds of intricate spins presen, YET in AMERICAN news they BLURRED the spiral as much as possible to make it look like a missle, its ridiculous to see the pristine clear hundreds of photos or even if there are only 40 photos, from various people, all showing this incredibly intricate beautiful spiral, vs what the news in AMERICA ( far away from Norway I might add ) decided to show us so as to convince us of a simple lie, that

by creating some graph and getting a powerful military person to say some bs on tv, that clearly the graph proves it was a spiral. you could draw exhaust fumes coming out of santa claus and by your presentation convince the public to be uninterested in something incredible

ex :
math proves, jet fuel doesn’t burn skyscraper steel,
scientific investigation proves, thermite is in WTC rubble
math proves, and science i might add, that thermite is the cause of the towers falling

but get on the news and say it was jet fuel and the people are stunned by this “we report, you decide…” crap .

what it is we can’t know, of course, since it is not communicating with us, but its something other than a mundane boring physically impossible explanation

this is the Norway spiral, now take all the beautiful and nuerous intricate spirulations and blur the crap out of them, and that is what the US media showed the people.

When you said “weather balloons” it reminded me of this :razz:

Tell me… why can’t a missile go fast enough?..
Show me the math/physics that explains that…

Do I believe that crop circles are alien in origin? A definite no. Do I believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs however? Yes, I do. (to an extent- I still think that behind most claims and sightings there are far more mundane explanations) Once when I was younger I saw a trio of them up in the sky at night, bright white blobs silhouetted against a cloudless night sky, performing impossible maneuvers before hovering in place then shooting off again. One of my sisters saw it with me, but when we went inside to get the rest of the family to come see it, they had disappeared.

I don’t know what it was, and the skeptical side of me still cautions against jumping to premature conclusions, but to this day it’s remained as a reminder to me that not everything fits into the tidy little everyday explanations we’re accustomed to. (at least not yet anyway. If there is truth to anything in this universe, SCIENCE! by its very nature will -eventually- be able to uncover and understand it)

Oh, and just for the record, burning jet fuel is indeed insufficient to melt structural steel. But it is hot enough to make it lose over 50% of its strength. :tongue:

You don’t seem to get why I don’t accept the evidence you present as being valid though. For the first one, I find it to be one of those stories I naturally doubt. Simply because if it was proven to be true, then those responsible for drugging would have been prosecuted. It would have been high profile. The fact it wasn’t means it can only have come from a non-credible source, or is a conspiracy story. It’s lore not fact, therefore I am not happy to entertain it as proof. There is a reason that courts won’t entertain hearsay as evidence at a trial.

My time is limited at the moment, and quite frankly I don’t like to watch “documentaries” which have an obvious agenda. It’s like watching propaganda to me.

Woah, ok, hang on there, where exactly did I say there was no UFOs. This isn’t an discussion about IF there is UFOs as much as one about the evidence being presented and its validity.

I’m not really all to sure it proves anything of the sort. Perhaps you could provide the proof, as in the working behind this assertion. I’m inclined to see this a lore again here.

No, I don’t need to slander anybody. (Can we try to stay away from attempting to make my argument sound like I am attacking an innocent and illicit an emotional response of negativity to my point of view thanks. [Appeal to emotion]) I just choose not to make all the assumptions you do. A UFO account can be challenged at multiple levels, For example;

Person Sees Object → Person believes its a UFO → Person makes account of UFO sighting.

The first can be challenged by disputing that they saw the object, they made it up etc. The second by disputing their interpretation of that object. Lights in the sky are common, it could me many things. Even full blown abductions or face-to-face meetings could be the result of the mind doing funny things or other explinations (it was a dream, etc)

It’s nice, but yeah as you say, not credible. I have my own story about 3 lights in the sky that moved in a weird way to tell, as no doubt many people do.

You only need to ask one question to check if you assertion ‘I saw a UFO’ is flawed. Can planes have those lights? If yes, then it Could be a plane, regardless of whether it’s normal lighting for a plane.

Tip: if you want to appear credible, shoving random studies in your sentences completely out of context just makes you appear ignorant. Seriously, ‘math’ proves jet fuel doesn’t burn skyscraper steel? Perhaps you could post your mathematical proof for that please. :razz: math doesn’t prove anything of the sort, it’s impossible for it to it. :tongue: You mean maybe thermodynamics and engineering, if you’d have said that, you would have appeared much more legitimate. Given that you named the wrong study altogether as proof of your claim, I really now doubt you have investigated it at all, but instead are relying on lore to make your conclusions.

on the new spiral , someone trustworthy within the CGI industry says that the photographs are absolutely legitimate coming from multiple sources throughout Canada, but ,

SHREEM, some sort of dubious folks have made the video as a ( peace ) , fakery to perhaps discredit the phenomenon to the masses at large.

om namah shivaya, we can also look at them and take notice that the video looks very different than the photographs. however norway spiral video is legitimate .

so ( PEACE NOW !)

this appeared the day before the Canada incident, in Willshire, which I am not sure where that is without a quick googling.

( Spiral, last :: Sunday, circle, last :: Saturday )

it is incredible technolgoy to make these circles so quickly .

this occurrence May 8th

I know, it’s amazing what you can do with a few wooden boards in a single night. :cool:

@ The presence of light:
Your source for all of this is, their source is a Russian, free, horribly made and possibly private UFO-site… which ain’t much convincing(not to me, anyways).

But i agree on the peace part, Peace! :cheesy:

Thank you :cheesy:

REAL video of canada spiral.

wooden boards unlikely , evidence contrary , it is . or one thing its simpler to use an energy technology than manual labor, and those technologies exist.

distinctions between board made and otherly made circles are documented here.

Are you guys seriously debating crop circles? Come on. If aliens were visiting us, why would they make random, vague images in crop fields?! It doesn’t make sense.

And uh, for those of you who are defending the idea of crop circles being of alien origin; Do you know how easy it is for a team of humans it is to make even a complex design in a crop field using (Gasp!) a piece of wood, and a piece of rope.

It’s quite an easy task. Proving me wrong however, should be more difficult.

Not at all random. But advanced mathematical patterns :smile: