somink kinda weird happened yesterday, i woz dreamin 4 a while and i just realised i was dreamin with no signs or nothin and i flew for a second looked in my mirror seen my normal face and woke up( i woke up cus of an alarm, just real bad timing)
I call this STILD. It means spontaneusly initated lucid dreaming, and is the process of just becoming lucid for no apparent reason, or a more sub conscious reason.
Actually ive only done an RC once and realised I was dreaming, all my other LD’s I figured I was dreaming by just realising for no reason.
Sometimes if you are aware enough, you can just know your dreaming,
the couple of very short lucid dreams ive had have been just from realizing i was dreaming and not from reality checks.
in the last ld i had i was dreaming and thought 2 my self wonder if i will have a lucid dream 2nite? I then suddenly realized that i was infact dreaming!!