something strange

Well, this happened about a year ago long before i knew anything about lucidity.I was having a normal dream. Then i saw my friends car just drive up towards me just by the side and people tried to throw me in there, I woke up straight after. My friend came to my house in the morning(we walk to school together)

I told him that i had a dream of someone in his car trying to kidnap me, He then told me that just about 6 in the morning his car was stolen and that his parents called police… I was just like shocked

Wicked :razz: Welcome to the forums btw ^^

hehe thanks :content:

makes you wonder about dreams and their connection to reality, nice dream and welcome, if you have had a lot of dreams like this, try and have a deeper look at the beyond dreaming section of the forum, you may find a few things in here that are of interest.

Good luck with your dreaming, it is one of the best gifts you can give your self.


Thats really strange…maybe you have the ability to dream what will happen in reality. I would suggest you watch the show medium, you might like it a lot because thats pretty much what the girl does in the show.