
Well…I was Dreaming For a little bit till i noticed a frog with a pitch fork…Then i realised i was dreaming! I remember to calm down. Check…But then…I had a Tingling feeling all over me. then i gasped for air then i couldnt control my dream anymore…Little :help: ?

Its a step in the right direction anyway. The only LD ive head since I signed up here only lasted for a second. Everything got blurry and I woke up.

Diddnt bother me though, I just though, YAAS I WAS LUDID :happy:

Well that is a lucid dream…so congratulations. :ok:

As for staying in the dream try spinning or hand rubbing and focus on the sensation, it re-engages your mind in the dream and this keeps you in the dream.

Try to stay calm… NEVER get over excited! :grin:

It was really close that happens too me too often. I am in the dream I feel i could have almost been there. But It is rare too reach does few times where i had an LD.

My suggestion to you is exactly what Lucidity said, try rubbing your hands together and focusing on the feeling, It helps to look at your hands while you’re doing it.