Well I was in a dream where I was in a summer camp, at one point summer had ended and my dad was coming to pick me up. Now I have some small fear of good things being over and regret that it’s over(who doesn’t). When I saw my dad coming, my mind like in two other dreams; raced for solutions and why this summer was so short. I tried to test whether I was having irregular feelings and it wasn’t over but accidently felt like it was over. Then I thought…hey this is a dream…I know, I prove it’s a dream by WAKING UP thus proving summer isn’t over!
Well Summer IS OVER
I woke up imediately and swung my body upwards and then proceeded to curse like a sailor.
Now that brings me to a new method of RC. One thing theat I used a few times to relize it was a dream before(and last night) was whenever presented with a negative future or something painful coming my way, my body naturally thinks of ways to escape or a excuse. Usually “it’s a dream” eventualy comes up as a excuse and poof! I relize it’s a dream. Unfortunely, I have very few of those dreams where I really forced into a negative future. Most of my dreams seem to be wild, crazy, fun. I haven’t had a true nightmare in years. Which reminds me, nightmares would probaly work best with this type of RC(thinking of excuses for why a monster is about to eat you). So now I gotta find a way to get nightmares…
Oh yeash, I’m thinking of updating the dream lexicon soon.
Exactly my feelings. The first Really good LD I had was when I was about to be killed by a huge red dragon in my grandmother’s house. I was thinking “what the hell?? this can’t be happening, must be a dream.” I think bananas are supposed to give you nightmares, but I think that’s just because they intensify dreams.
hmmm … you’re lucky… i have nightmares or turbulent dreams most nights, but that hasnt yet been a cue for lucidity. im usually just too panicked to notice where my consciousness is.
but it makes me think… i should really try to use more scary events in RL to prompt RC’s … then perhaps it will work for me too!
It’s one of those sites with snuff films, the scarriest on the site is one under excutions called checyna propaganda and the one below it. I’ve heard countless times that the one of the russion soldier being killed was the sicking movie they had…sounds disturbingly good for dreams
My best friend Daniel killed himself by jumping off WTC…it wasn’t suicide, he seemed happy as he was hurtling towards the ground. I suppose I was watching this along side him, but I didn’t die. He lands outside my front door (I live in San Diego) and makes this huge square hole about 6 feet into the ground (6 ft, get it).
His body really isn’t mutilated or anything, more like a flattened cartoon. Think 'Who Framed Roger Rabit’s last scene where the villain gets run over by a Steamroller.
My mom was pissed that we’d have to fill the hole in (hey, we’re renting this house!), but instead decides to cover it. Come to think of it now, a square hole 6 ft undeground with a cover on it sounds like a Casket. Hmm.
Anyways, we have to tell his mother, and she breaks down. I distinctly remember feeling a terrible feeling, that I was never going to see my best friend again. It hurt. Then, before I walk into the house again, a gorilla wanders by, grunting.
A gorilla. In my front yard.
I tell my parents something like “WTF?!” And they say, “It’s just a Gorilla.”
I wake up. O_o
But never once did I question it. I suppose that’s where my confusion is with Reality Check. It was all surreal, but my mind never said “wait a second…”