Soooooo close...

Okay, so I woke up at 7:30 AM, got some food, and read about LD for about 45 minutes. When I went back to bed, I tried that Lucidity Induction file (I got it from some topic on this site) and it really calmed me down, and I had some very vivid dreams. I also had a FA. But, I was especially frustrated at this, because in my FA, I wrote down all of my previous dreams in my DJ, and went downstairs and had a conversation with my mom about Lucid Dreaming. And then I woke up…
I was soooo close to lucidity I don’t know why I didn’t RC.

This happens, its even a good sign. You can use FA’s for LD’s if you remember to RC too! So dont be frustrated, that will only work negative :smile:.

I like it when I have a FA and become lucid, because those are the ones i have most control over,

Having a FA is a good start, just remember that every morning when you get up, or even when you get up from taking a nap do a RC make it a habit and then when you have a FA you’ll remember to do a RC

Yeah, I do most of the time, that’s why I was frustrated. Because I didn’t this time. Oh well I guess it’s just not a habit yet, plus, I have many a night ahead of me