Can you remember sound from your LD’s?
Mine so far have been mostly silent though I don’t seem to be aware of this during the dream. In RL music and sound are a big interest for me. My dreams are often quite vivid with imagery but not with sound.
I can always remember sound from my LD’s, sometimes in my ND dreams I can;t remember sound though.
Now that you mention it, I can’t recall any specific sounds in my LD’s ( I could just be forgetting it at the moment right now. In many of my ND’s I can remember sound, or a specific song. I find that in dreams, DC’s rarely talk to me, its more of a telepathic communication, although it functions pretty much the same
i have quite normal sounds in my lds… usually i have this thing, that when i realize i’m dreaming i speak to myself in dream that “i’m dreaming wuppiduu…” one time when i was flying and i yelled, my voice sounded weird and mechanical
I can remember hearing sounds in both LD’s and ND’s.
I never really used to notice much if any sound but lately it seems to be all I’m noticing. Dreams have been littered with bizarre songs, lots of talking and in one dream some very loud explosions that woke me up. Oddly, when I have low level lucidity, i seem to have trouble talking, like my mouths half paralised or something. Not very useful when you’re trying to say “Increase lucidity now” and it’s coming out “innnndeeeeseee luuuuceeee nerrrrrrrr”
I allways have sound in both my lds and normal dreams. I would be really sad if i did not have sound there, as the music in dreams are awesome…
I ofteb hear music in my dreams. I can never remember it enough to replay it on my guitar however.
wow, i had never really thought about the fact that there isnt usually sound in my LD’s…or maybe i just dont remember the sounds?
i just had an idea though. in my next LD, i’m going to tell my dream to start playing some really cool crazy music and see what it comes up with
All through my LD that I had just around half an hour ago, I could hear classical music playing. I could also hear everything that happened in the dream, and the heater that’s in my house in real life, but the music wasn’t playing in my house… I read this topic after I woke up for WBTB, so I’m sure that’s what caused music to be in my dream.
I hear what people say in dreams, but I don’t remember sound, just words. However, sometimes I hear music in a dream and recall it, even if I don’t remember anything else from the dream.
In the guidebook (“take off/nightmares” above this page) is written:
Once I got a gift of really beautiful music, and I could still hear it when I woke up…
It’s close to the way I recall dream music.
i always remember sounds from both my LD’s and my regular dreams. next LD you have you should try to find sounds of some sort… talk to some people, make sounds yourself, concentrate on listening, etc.
Last night was the first time i know for sure that i heard something in a dream. I heard some fish jumping in water, but i didn’t see them because of fog.
I can remember talking but I have never remembered any music or any sounds other then talking.
In my last LD I remember a sound when I opened and closed the back door but it was different to how it actually sounds in RL.
thanks for the replies
I remember sounds and songs from ND’s and LD’s, but I noticed I have an incredibly hard time remembering dialogue from DC’s in dreams .