South Park Disscusion

That’s kinda why I liked it. They just tore him apart(i mean this figuratively, though it was depicted in the episode quite litterally) for leaving for such a dumb reason and being so self centered, but made up for it a little bit with Stan’s eulogy at the end. The analogy of the Super Adventure Club to Scientology was am exelent touch as well.

I was reading off of a certain website. That the super adventure clubs anagram(mpossibly acronym) i am really tired right now so please feel free to correct me, for
SAC(K). which i felt appropriate for leaving at such a self center and yet possibly understandable situation. I think it was his choice and sadly i will miss chef. I really think towely is funny. and it was semi appropriate that the towely episode was realesed on 4/20. I dotn support the thought behind 4/20(it is just a stupid excuse to try and do drugs.) pretty lame actally but that is for a differet topic.

Oh yeah I forgot that that episode was on 4/20. That was hilarious. (4/20 is not really an excuse for people to try drugs, it’s more reserved for those that already do).

420 on wikipedia

Yes, the towlie episode was perhaps one of the funniest of the new season. I’m suppried Oprah didn’t speak out against it or something, she’s so stuck up and in love with herslef…

Oprah is so stupid. I really think she tries way to hard and involves herself with people she doesnt care about. She is using Sympathetic tools and the sympathy of humnas to get rich. I think 4/20 is still a pretty weak excuse and People believe so many things on this day. thanks for the link DayLight though i may start reading some of it

Well, people outside of the cannabis culture view it(mostly) as bad or at least ‘not good’. It seems to make people stupid, give them cancer, make them lazy, and the gateway theory tells people it leads to other, harder drugs. So for outsiders, 420 is just an excuse to get high. For those in the culture, cannabis is a healing herb that provides relief from pain, stress reduction, and an overall better quality of life. It can also be used to build houses, for food, to make fabrics, and for fuel. For the people in cannabis culture, 420 is a celebration of this sacred herb, not just an excuse to get high. Potheads don’t need an excuse anyway.

But I think we need to get back on track here. This is a South Park disscusion thread, and here we are talking about something that is tottally off topic, and mabye against forum rules, so I think we need to get back to South Park.(And I do realize there is a slight irony in me disscussing 420 then telling people to stop, I just felt that I needed to explain why we celebrate it).

I agree sorry Pasquale or any moderators.

I think my favorite episodes of south park are the “Fingerbang episode” and “Butters very own episode”.
they are just classics