SP Problems

Alright, well I’ve tried WILD 4 or 5 times now, and I’m running into some problems.
I try not to move, but there are 2 things that get me every time.

1.) I can’t NOT swallow my spit.
2.) I can feel my eyes moving even when I don’t tell them to.

I’m slowly solving number 1, but it still makes me feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. And as for number 2, whenever I don’t think about it, my eyes don’t move. Then, I’m like “Oh, hey, look! That’s cool! My eyes aren’t moving!” And then I start to feel them twitching under my eyelids. And even without the twitching, I can’t get them to stay in one spot, because I don’t have a point of reference to look at. :meh:

Any advice is appreciated.

Happy dreaming! :wink:

  1. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT. I hate that rule so much and it’s in every WILD guide. Yes, if you are a super human you’ll be fine, but most people can’t handle it. If you have to swallow, do it. That little action will set you back much less than going “OMFG MUST SWALLOW”. Instead, just let it happen naturally with as little thought as possible.

  2. Don’t even think about how any part of your body feels, eyes included. I haven’t ever actually heard of anyone recommending to keep eyes in place… just let them do their thing. Go with the flow, that’s the name of the game. Don’t try to look at anything in particular. A lot of guides focus on what you can see. I say just passively observe and you’ll be fine :smile:

Thanks for the advice, Rhewin! I’ll keep it in mind tonight when I try to WILD. :ok: