Alright, well I’ve tried WILD 4 or 5 times now, and I’m running into some problems.
I try not to move, but there are 2 things that get me every time.
1.) I can’t NOT swallow my spit.
2.) I can feel my eyes moving even when I don’t tell them to.
I’m slowly solving number 1, but it still makes me feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. And as for number 2, whenever I don’t think about it, my eyes don’t move. Then, I’m like “Oh, hey, look! That’s cool! My eyes aren’t moving!” And then I start to feel them twitching under my eyelids. And even without the twitching, I can’t get them to stay in one spot, because I don’t have a point of reference to look at.
Any advice is appreciated.
Happy dreaming!