SP sensation with reality check

Hey guys! For the past few months I’ve been making progress, I haven’t had any long lucid dreams, but I AM having dreams about lucid dreams :happy:

Anyhoo, this morning I had a dream, I remember doing a reality check, but I woke up straight afterward. I pinched my nose in my dream, then there was this SP feeling in my legs, I can’t really explain it, but hopefully you understand what I’m trying to say.

Because I’ve rarely had SP, I immediately tried to wake myself up, which I did.

Has anyone had the same experience as me? If so does anyone know why this happened?

Star :smile:

Sounds like you had SP. :tongue:

I’m not sure what your question is, sounds like you self-diagnosed. It’s a natural phenomenon, SP, so don’t worry about it. Many people take SP to be a sign that they’re close to sleep and use it as a reminder to start WILD methods to induce a LD. I rarely feel SP, because when I start to feel it, I don’t move and wait for the dreams to start! How do you know you can’t move if you don’t try to move? :smile:

So, don’t panic, and don’t wake yourself up. Instead, do some WILD and MILD and let the dream take you.