I had woken up last night, and for some reason I started thinking about witches: which got me thinking about the old hag. As soon as I thought about it, boom, paralysed. I don’t think there was a presense, but there was a weird pattern on my wall (I think, but it may have been a shadow: a more likely scenario).
It only lasted about 5 secs, I just closed my eyes, and I moved my arm a bit, and fell asleep again. Just thought I might post this to see if anyone else has gotten SP just by thinking about it.
Sometimes if i wake up in the middle of the night and then lay there for a bit (not thinking that im that deep) and then think of SP it’ll just hit me in waves. It sometimes works with HI too (a TON ‘easier’/‘natural’ if ur already in SP), im trying to develop that more for WILD.
After my first OBE after i returned and woke and stuff it seemed like my room was more lit than it should have been, and there were weird shadow/smoke things going on one of my walls (which freaked me out, cuz i thought i had brought back some dark spirit, so i curled up and turned away from it it was right by my door so i didnt have the exit and eventually fell back asleep) I also had this weird awareness/feeling that lingers to this day.
yeah a tip…
don’t think of things that scare you.
I have this thing I do where I think of something… most notably, a fricking huge spider… and well, there is an aircleaner on my wall, for some reason in that kind of tired state if I think of something… I think of it in relatoin to my body, such as the spider is not a thoughtform in my head, it’s over there on the wall, that’s where it “is” when thinking of it (it’s hard to explain… kind of like doing energy awareness but running energy through the wall)
so… BOOM… paralysis, I feel a presence, and I know damn well what the presence is.
hehe… so nowadays I just pretend a woman is sitting on top of me, a hot woman at that… it works much better.
My mind is making me overcome my spider fear though, it’s progressing slowly but surely…