Hello, I’m getting quite confused, When I attempt a WILD, I get sleep twitches (Like random movments) And i get what feels like a little eletric shock around the body occasionaly, Is this SP or something else, As I am not fully paraylzed. As I can move if I get tired of trying.

Also, If anyone could post any links to any mind clearer exercises, That would be much appreicated. As my head keeps buzzing to diffrent topics when im trying to concentrate, Things like The Men in black (recently just watched the film) ect…


First of all , the “electric shocks” you’ve been expirencing are a good sign , they mean you were very close , The stronger they are the better , they are like the gate to the LD , dont give up , if you got that far that means you are on the right track,

… and the bazzing , were they like normal every day bazz you may some times hear ? or like a very strong bazz , because one thing that is common when wilding is a high pitch sound or a bazz.
so any way , keep trying , you are close.

-cheers : D

I Mean that My thoughts keep buzzing to diffrent things.
Thanks for your reply, It’s made me feel better, As though I’m going to be able to LD.

Sleep Paralysis is not just a state of heavyness, it’s a drastic change, a totally different state of mind and body. You can’t move, you feel trapped, you have hallucinations. I never completely experienced it from waking, only from waking up from dreams, when I never had the confidence to carry on and go into an LD. I always felt the urge to wake up.

The sleep twitches used to happen to me. Don’t worry that just means you need to relax more. I suggest you listen to some REALLY calm music, the type that you are able to sleep. It helps you stay awake and relaxed. The best advice for WILD , is try so hard not to get over-excited and don’t try to make it happen. Try to let WILD happen , don’t try to force yourself into a dream.

Exactly. You’ll KNOW when you enter SP while trying to WILD.

Of course, the feelings are optional… :wink: