space shuttle

the space shuttle discovery is getting ready to come back down to earth lets hope it doesn’t disintegrate like columbia
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i hope they land safely i am really not sure if they will but they did carry out some repairs with this goo stuff

It is less than an hour left now. Btw, NASA is broadcasting the landing live on … kipIntro=1 Thanks to Diirk and Gerret for the link :cool:

oh thanks i was looking for one of those sites that broadcast it

phew landed saflely
:cool_laugh: :grin: :hurray:

yeah… it did…

It would have been weird if it didn’t… since they made repairs and did alot of check-ups.

nasa would have cancelled the space station thing alltogether if it did aswell

I think there should be a european space exploration orginisation like NASA.

but does europe really want to waste their money?

japan, russia and the usa all pretend to explore space…
enough is enough
go cure cancer or something, dont waste more money on space.


no kidding. toys for the elite, training the public how big money is spent best.

lol…I’m actually very curious about space. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut and go up to space and be floating. You have to be wondering what is out there. We are just a small little part of our galaxy…and then theres other galaxies and everything. And then to think, what if space does go on forever. Isn’t that strange? How can something go on forever and not end, or does it somehow bring you back to the otherside, to make it seem like it goes on forever. And black holes and stuff like that, what are they, what happens when you go in them, how did they get there. What if the cure for cancer is in space. And also what if we colonize on mars or something, go all sci fi and everything. What if we could contact aliens from other galaxies. lol i’ll shutup now…im just extremely fascinated with two things: space and the human brain. :razz:

Ever heard about ESA ?


bump oops =X

Ive had a couple of dreams (not LD) where Ive been in orbit around earth in both a shuttle, spacestation, spacesuit, and in a giant tent (!! it was some sort of reality show :wink:) with some atmosphere in it. Floating around in space. Would be nice to get a LD up there ^^

Surprisingly I don’t remember ever having a space dream… a LD in space would be great! :cool_laugh: