There is a Lunar eclipse coming this year on Dec 21 2010. Ha two years from Dec 21 2012. So anything you hear astrology wise post it here.
What do you guys think of these giant UFOs being seen around the sun. This was uploaded yesterday. … re=related
Could it be the Galatic federation of light? Something is happning outthere. Are we really ready for the next two years?
Ther ewer some objects in there, but the picture is so low quality it’s impossible to say what they are. It could be something with the device that recorded the picture, it could have been added later, it could be natural phenonmenon; I see no reason to say they are aliens just becuase it’s somethign we can’t explain. Who is uploading, what is their background in astronomy (not astrology)?
This is what happens when amatuers go over grainy footage and pretend to be experts.
I agree with that. It’s too grainy to properly make out, and considering this is on youtube, it isn’t likely that the person pointing the objects out actually knows anything on the subject at hand.
Anyways, yesterday I had to make a presentation about the universe for school. Gosh it was hard, so many theories about so many things. And put everything into a 20 min presentation.
And another thing, what do you think about the theory that we are not from the Milky Way? Please be open minded while you’re thinking about it. Don’t just say that people have been believing the theory that Milky Way is our galaxy for years, because people thought that the Earth is flat for years. Read the link carefully that I’m about to give you.
You’re 37 years old and over 30 total lunar eclipses have occurred since you were born. Still you believe all hell is going to break lose the next time it happens and believe in modern fairy tails on youtube from people not hampered by any form of background knowledge about the footage they pretend to be analysing. Damn, that worries me a lot more than 2012. Thanks for the laugh, anyway.
Yes, you guys could say what you mean in a way that is, well, not so mean. Thats what I like about this forum - you guys are not trolls or flamers. So don’t become one.
The topic is quite nice, although the lunar eclipse thing is a little bit absurd. I didn’t see a space topic before, so we might have some really nice conversations here.
Evolution is allways a constant unexplored mystery, and we are evolving every minute of our lives. Everything is changing rapidly. Technology is speeding up as we evolve into new unexplored forest. At any minute God could pull the rug out from under us, and our lives will change in away we never thought possible, and this is what makes life worth living. Now you really do have to be brave. Who knows what if 2012 happens this year? Maybie that would be away to catch us off guard maybie thats why the eclipse is happning this winter solace. Im not saying it is, im just saying you never know. I think its very exciting to have faith in a magical moment. Who knows what tomorow brings. I had a conversation the other day about fairys, bigfoot, and other mythical creatures being real, and the only reason we dont see them is because there defence is simply being very illusive. All creatures have away to defend themselves. Two Mermaids could be having a conversation about a mythical magical creature with mindblowing inteligents that is capable of building computers, and cities, cars… Yea right like such a magical creature excist on this planet. There is no such thing as humans. This has been a very strange decade so far, and who knows how much more stranger it will get. I mean we are lucid dreamers. How much magic have you expiranced in your dreams? Dreams that we mistake for reality… Let me say that again dreams that we mistake for REALITy. Look Im flying in RL. Isnt this amazing. Why is it that we except magic in our dreams as reality?
Are we being prepared for something to come. Lets say that UFOs came down from the clouds, or fairys came out of hiding, would you bother with a RC. Have faith in magic in life, because beleive me it is very real.
I don’t get what you are saying - it makes no sence. If something happens in every few years, what makes it different now?
Read a few scientific articles about universe and lunar eclipses and then come back to this topic. I’m not flaming here, this is an advice.
The way I look at it, there is an average of 2 lunar eclipses every 3 years. With only 365 nights those eclipses can fall on, every so often it HAS to be on winter solstice. By those numbers alone I think it comes out to just shy of once every 250 years. If you’re only into astronomy, you might not think this is any more or less special than the last and next eclipse. If you’re (like me) into correlations and synchronicity, then it’s a treat to have it happen in your lifetime. But, as a remind everyone it seems, 12/21/2012 is just like New Years on the new millennium (though its more like 5000 years, instead of 1000) to the Mayan calendar. We survived our own a decade ago, I think we’ll survive this one
But the period of ~250 years pales in comparison to the 5000+ year long count. I have a hard time seeing a connection any deeper than “This happened very near the end of ‘year’”
Ah, now if only I had a camera that didn’t whine complain anytime I tried to take a night picture