So, I want to know if anyone else on here experiences or has experienced this:
Lately, I have noticed that the number 52 has been popping up EVERYWHERE. This has been happening for the past month or 2. I find it so strange that almost every time I look at the clock, it’s on the 52 of the hour. Or my download will be at 52 minutes. I got on bus number 252 yesterday. (and this board has 52 pages right now)
At first i thought it was the number 652 that was ‘following’ me because i would check the time and it would usually be 6:52, but now since it has been happening, I’ve noticed that it is 52 alone that is shadowing my soul.
Does 52 have any specific meaning?
Is it some sort of sign? Or a forewarning?
Or am I just crazy?
The mind is built to look for patterns, even when they don’t exist. In these cases, you find all sorts of numbers in your life, but since you’ve already formed the belief that it’s “52” that has significance, your brain doesn’t notice or remember any of the other numbers, but only keeps paying attention to all the instances of “52”. I have the exact same thing with the clock reading 11:11. I know for a fact that I must be reading the clock at all sorts of times other than 11:11 over the day, but my brain is fixated on that time now, and doesn’t pay enough attention to notice that it isn’t really any more prevalent than any other time.
that is also what my friend said. Because i have noticed that it is happening, I feel that it happens more. but still…it happens alot. Almost to a freaky level. sometimes it happens in combos too. Its trippy.
A year or so ago, I saw the number 111 everywhere I went. T’was an odd experience, and my mind always brings back the odd feeling every time I see the number.
But, what i’m saying is that you most likely think it happens “a lot”, not because if you literally compiled every single number you saw during the day, 52 would be especially prevalent, but because your brain has an effect psychologists call “Confirmation Bias”. The particular subsection of this effect you are under is called Illusory Correlation, and it is in the scientific literature that the perceptions you feel, are totally normal. Everyone has some kind of quirk they focus on. But just because you feel somethings there, doesn’t mean it really is.
11 is my number. it’s always been some sort of luck to me. my name starts with K, the 11th letter in the alphabet, i’m an aquarius the 11th sign, born february 11th, my house adress starts with 17365, 1+7+3=11 6+5=11
I learned to swim when i was 11, i see 11:11 everywhere, or if i randomly decide to count a number of things i have it adds to 11. my first name is 5 letters, my last name is 6 letters, 5+6=11.
the number has been with me all my life.
hmm, even the field above post says 52 but my number has been 11 and numbers that refer to it, pretty much like kayfires situation, but with 11 trams instead
A really nice movie about this is ‘The Number 23’ and after seeing that the numbe 23 has been freeking me out by being everywhere for a year or two, but it seems to have stopped now, I don’t think I have a haunted number now…
Few years ago I had the same thing happening. Every time I go to bed I check the time and it seemed that it always showed HH:22, whether it was 22:22 or 00:22, but it was that friggin 22. I understand that I probably just didn’t notice it the times it was different but still it was weird. Now I just don’t check the time when going to bed, problem solved.
My number is 5. My birth date is 15th of May (fifth month) 1995. All my house number had 5 in it. And number of other things.
Although I do not believe in luck, I think its something like my lucky number. Every time I put a 5 somewhere, I score greatly (either on a test or on something else). Maybe its a placebo effect increasing my self confidence. I’ll never know.
My number is 6, this is really scary. My name, each of my three names have 6 letters, i was born on 6/28/96 all but my last name have 6 letters, i do not like the number six but it haunts me so…
It’s really just the way the mind works. As soon as something is brought to your attention, you see it everywhere. The "birds falling’ thread is a good example of this. Flocks of birds have been dropping out of the sky forever, but now that it is in the news, we see it everywhere. I’m taking a sociology class right now, I wonder what my professor would have to say about this…
Rhewin… Oh no… wait Rhawin now… What… how… who?
Anyway he is right. Just pay attention, and look how many red cars there are… Then next week look at how many blue cars there are… a lot aren’t there?