I’ve been lucid dreaming for years and years now. However I have only met my Spirit Guide once and never been able to Astrally Project. (I think you call it OBEs)
My spirit guide appeared as a bunch of leaves twirling in a circle…That’s all I remember, I never got a name or anything and it’s been years since I saw him/her/…it?
And I have no clue where to begin on AP…
Would someone kindly link me to a good FAQ on the two topics? Thank you.
I am looking forward to meeting you all and hearing your stories
Thing is…we dont really know how different OOBES are from lds.Might be same thing just differently felt for one.Might be different but we cant spot those differences yet.
In this case trying to Ap from LD sounds most easy(if u have that ease towards lds).Just try it and it will be done(like most stuff in lucid dreams).
If not that- theres heaps of info about AP on the net and it would be waste of time and space to try putting it all here.Basically they are all about well done relaxing and then visualizing that your body energy leaves the phisical body(u might want to imagine your body gettin heavier and heavier,or according to other sources lighter and lighter.)
good luck