I been wanting and willing to meet my guides lately, but i haven’t been able to
a curious thought entered my mind one day, and i been thinking about posting my thought to see what others them self think about it.
can you while lucid create a soul???
if you cant meet your spirit guides, why not just create your own?? if thats possible, and give them independent thought, but program them before that to serve your dream self.
if this is at all possible, that we could do this, i mean wouldn’t the benefits of having a self created dream character be awesome? if it works that is
i mean, you could have it programed to show up in a non-lucid dream, and tell you your dreaming!!.
now i haven’t actually done this my self, but why start with just one?
I’m thinking of creating three
anyway i just thought ill share this, have a nice day everyone
A spirit guide is a real being, the last time I checked you’d need to be God to create one. I think you maybe confusing a spirit guide with a dream guide.
All your dream characters are created from you, a dream guide is nothing more than your subconscious. There is really nothing stopping you from creating a dream guide and programming yourself into into making this dream character or DG cause you to become lucid.
I think you would need to elaborate on this one. One person’s definition of soul is not always the same to someone else. Some people consider a soul to be that part of us that makes us sentient beings, where as others believe soul/spirit is what is left after we die.
For either of those I would say no, for the former it would only be a subconscious illusion of sentience. As for the latter, again, the God thing. That said, one could go into the whole “we are God of our own existance” thing, but that would be a philosophical debate best suited to the lounge.
I had a creation experience the other night. I used my hands.
I was working on a technique of flexing my hands and emitting energy from the center of my right palm.
The first time, a single sphere of energy came out. Then I tried again and a little creature formed and floated around. It was cute. In the future I intend to work with this technique to focus my thoughts to create more tangible objects \ things during my journey.
Perhaps you can develope a similiar technique for yourself.
You mean like a psionic “psipet” or a servitor/egregore/thoughtform/tulpa artificial entity from some traditions of occultism? Hmm… I also think it would be too easily fall into an illusion. Everything’s much more dramatic in dreams-- powers of psychokinesis or flight are so easy, but then you wake up and kind of know you haven’t really done that, right? That you were just having a fun roll-around in your own psychology…
I’ve heard of people studying piano or the Krebs cycle in lucid dreams and saying it helped, but even the Lucid Crossroads Dojo warns against using equivalents of the dojo equipment in waking life unless you’ve trained in waking life. So, if I were going the occult route I’d make the construct while awake.
I suppose it depends if you believe spirit guides in dreams are just like any other DC (that is, a facet of your subconscious, in which case it’s not only possible but natural to create them), or if they’re an independent entity that’s far older and wiser (an entity created by you won’t have the perspective of an original, independent entity with whatever qualifications the Higher Ups have for spirit guide… and wouldn’t be as efficient because of that.)