spirits and ghosts.

I’ve seen my dad, an aunt and my grandmother on my mother’s side.

My dad mostly is who’s in my LD. He brings out the most emotion.

I’m glad you’re LD’ng dreamer_chic. I haven’t had one in over a week. But looking forward to working on a couple of my fears.

That’s neat. I had 2 ld’s in the period of 3 days ( :cool_laugh: ). The first one was only a few seconds long, the other one, half a minute +, and both extrememly pointless. I need to open up my imagination and do more exciting things, things you can’t do in RL. Like ride on a dinosaur…

Anyway, I’ll have to go searching for my mom in an LD. DId you find your relativees in a certain spot? Maybe somewhere that was imprtant to them?

I was rode on a dragon while it flew. Really fun.

As far as my relatives. My dad doesn’t show up anywhere in particular. But I would have to say mostly at my mom’s. My grandmother I saw her in Brooklyn where we lived when I was little.

Does anybody watch GhostHunters on Scifi? I just saw it last night and they had a house on it not to far from where I live! Very cool stuff!

You sure that the timer aint set?? You can set a timer in alot of tvs, which will make it either turn off or on at a certain time of the day.

Yeap we’re sure. My brother kept telling my mom she was going senile(sp). He kept telling her that either the timer was set or someone across the street had the same remote.

So he took it to an appliance repair person. And actually told her doctor she needed an eval. No timer was set and my mom was normal. Needless to say, it didn’t happen anymore until a couple of days before his anniversay of death. It started doing it again. It still to this day does it.

You can also hear foot steps going up and down the cellar stairs and the door opening and closing late at night.

wow…that would creep me out! :eek:

Late at night I always here this…low popping noise… is the best way I can explain it. I don’t know if has to do with something in our house or what…I asked my brother but he doesn’t hear it.

Last night I had a post-it stuck onto a paper that was taped to my door. It fell off really suddenly, and the noise that it made was loud for two post-it notes…it sounded like it was being pulled off almost…was probably nothing, but scared the crap out of me! I grabbed my rosary real fast and clutched it for quite a while…hehe.

I don’t know how everyone is so brave with ghosts…i get so afraid if I suspect them.

Nothing in the world, IMO, gives me a safer feeling. I still have my Abuelita’s rosary.

That’s how I feel. :smile: In my nightmares I’ve always grabbed my rosary or did the sign of the cross.

My best friend gave me one of her rosarys a long time ago.

That must be… Nice, having something to believe in… Alas, all my faith was lost years ago, as the kids in my class were all forced to go to church, no matter what they believed in themselves… I honestly don`t think a “merciful and loving” god would allow that kind of… Misuse of power… Faith in any god should be earned, not forced…

Bah, I know this has nothing to do with the topic… Unless you count the holy ghost? :razz:

Gaara i can feel your pain. I hawe allso been forced to go to church by the school :sad: i know it sucks. it should be ilegal.