
hello hello. Lots of people have claimed to see ghosts or hear things but has anyone ever encountered something that seemed to take on a more definite shape and actually physically affected you?

I guess a good example would be:
My friend came to my house one night and parked his truck a little ways away from the house. We walked out to it to look at something and it was really dark so he put the keys in the ignition so we had a little light. We turned the lights back off and he set the keys in the seat, almost immediatly after I felt like something was watching me and my stomach began to cramp up. Well I look over by the trees saw a shadow that was in the shape of a over 6ft tall humanoid thing (didn’t look too human to me) my friend saw it too. We, like any one would, ran back to the house. We waited a few minutes until I didn’t feel like I was going to vomit anymore and went back out so he could leave. His keys were gone, we looked around the truck until he checked the front and found them in the recess in front of the headlights.

I’ve had several other random experiences similar to this but this one was the only in which an object was moved.

Any other stories feel free to share.

Well this one is my mom’s story.

My mom was down in the basement doing laundry. As she was putting clothes in the washer, she looked out of the corner her eye and thought she saw my dad standing there. Well, she assumed it was my dad, it was a tall dark figure. My mom then said aloud “Hey, why don’t come and help me with this?” Getiing no answer she turned around expecting to face my dad. However no one was there.

Another one that I saw too. However I’m not sure if you would call this paranormal. My parents were tucking me in bed one night. My bedroom lights were off, the only light coming from the hallway. All of a sudden my light bulb exploded. Like, not wouldn’t work anymore, but like exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. For no reason at all.

Once I was in my bathroom and felt a brush against my legs. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like my black cat walking out the doorway. I turned around a split second later only to find nothing there. Curious, I walked into my parents bedroom. There, I found my cat. Sleeping. Same thing happened with my mom. Only without the part of her finding the cat in her bedroom.

I have a few more, but I’m getting tired. I put some more up in a bit.

Well, the closest thing I’ve experience was when I attempted enter a LD using the WILD technique. Recently I’ve read up about OBE’s (Astral Projection) and discovered that theres a stage where you’re basically about to leave your body, but there are weird things trying to stop you by coaxing you on. For me, I actually reached the point where I first felt a presence in my room, like my door was opening and someone had entered - then, shortly after I heard my “dad” calling my name, trying to wake me up (or so I thought at the time) – when I broke my attempt to turn around nobody was there, my door was shut and I couldn’t believe it because it was just THAT real.

I now believe its possible it was more than just a “Hallucination”, since I discovered that this strange phenomenon happens to others while verrrry close to being able to leave their body during astral projection. I only wish I had ignored the voice, but I told myself it must be important for my dad to be waking me up. Whatever the cause of that voice, it was definitely conveniently timed.

My best friend stayed with a guy whose house is supposedly haunted by the ghost of a young girl and many people claim to have seen her there. He said that he saw a pair of legs running through the room where he was sleeping, but when he sat up there was no one there.

I’ve never seen a ghost personally and I remain open but skeptical.

I tend to be very skeptical myself, though I don’t doubt the existence of spirits.

My personal favorite story is from when I was much much younger. I didn’t see anything, but I didn’t need to…

I was just learning to ride my bike, and going down the driveway I got scared and took my feet off the petals. I panicked and didn’t know what to do so I slammed straight into the garage door…quite hard… But I bounced back, and stayed perfectly balanced on the 2 wheels for several seconds. I looked around me and saw nothing. I heard distinctly a female voice whisper in my ear “I got you, you’re safe.” and I put my foot down, immediately as the force keeping it balance let go. I was shaking the whole time and there is no way I could have kept the bike from tipping for so long.

At least she was on my side :tongue:

Aww, thats so sweet!^

Once I was in the computer room and my mom was in her room listening to music. I had my headphones off and all of a sudden I heard my moms music going louder kind of fast. Until the point it was super loud, i thought nothing of it. It then turned off and there was silence. I was still on the computer doing whatever, when my mom in a shakey voice calls me over. I walk into her room and she’s just kind of sitting there…I ask whats up and she says this “You heard the music going louder right?” I nod.“Well, I was just laying here when I looked over to the docking station (ipod) the wheel to turn the music started spinning around. I saw a white mist around it as if it was a hand.” She then told me she looked on the bed to make sure she didn’t sit on it. Yeah, nothing there.

In my gram’s house before my mom got married, she ws sleeping in her room and woke up and looked towards the door. THere, was a small green light just floating there. It was there for a max of 2 minutes then it slowly faded. LAter on, my aunt told us she had the same experience (and this was a few years later).

The house where my mom saw the shadow in the basement, was my old house. My aunt and uncle now live there. My aunt says the baby toys will go off randomly and she;ll here music playing but stop when she goes looking for it. Annnnd to top things of, a neighbour told them that the land where my old house stood, was a slaughter house.
And my grandparents’ house is very old land. And it’s near a river and I wass told Indians used to live there. And people like a week after they die, they “come” to my gramdma in her dreams. THey stand over her bed just staring at her. My popa has to wake her up because she’ll she screaming or crying or both. :sad:

when my mom was much younger she had several encounters with full body apparitions.

one was when she was living with her mother she woke up in the middle of the night to see a man standing at the foot of her bed dressed in a similar fashion to Johnny Cash. see freaked and he vanished.

another one that she had was when she lived down south. She was alone in the house eating breakfast before school. She kept hearing knocking from the front and back door. Eventually she feels a tap on her shoulder and sees her grandmother who had died before she was born standing there. She told my mom that everything would be alright and vanished.

I myself have only seen shadows running through my house.