Spirits, Ghosts, Remnants...

Whatever you want to call them. This is a thread dedicated to talking about the departed soul of the living, and what happens after death. Or any run-ins with the unliving specters.

I didn’t believe in Spirits. That is, before this February. I was spending the night at a friends house, when I decided to go downstairs. Alone, in the dark. I looked out, and saw something pallid and white duck behind his kitchen counter. Freaking out, I ran upstairs. Then, later, it scared the living crap out of me when I opened the refridgerator, peered around the corner, and it went running by me. Yet, later I discovered it was no hostile presence. In fact, I think it has come to watch over me.

For example, I was in South Carolina, walking on a boardwalk at night with my little sister, my little sisters friend, HER friend, and her little sister. Me, alone with kids below the age of 10. Blech. Anyhow, they were annoying the hell out of me. Suddenly, my sister yells “OW!” and a rock drops to the boardwalk. We kept walking, however, and a rock came out, and hit her again. This repeated, hitting everyone there BUT me. Call it what you want, but we checked the area thoroughly. No one was near.

Some clarification please…
You believe in disembodied spirits or souls… yet doubt the existence of any Higher or Divine Being, correct?
Just curious from reading a reply of yours in another post…

Those surely are interesting experiences you’ve had… particularly the rock thing… did any of you see from what direction the rocks were coming from?
Are you sure there was no one else along for the walk that you may not of been aware of?

There are already 2 threads on this topic.

/me redirects everyone to:
Ghosts, Anyone?