Spirituality in the dreams of the non-spiritual

From reading some other topics I know that there are some users who don’t consider themselves to be spiritual individuals. I’m rather skeptical myself when it comes to the various spiritual concepts myself, yet it isn’t uncommon for me to have dreams with distinctly spiritual elements in them.

What I find especially odd is that these elements are never Christian concepts. Instead, it’s most commonly various aspects of Buddhism that show up in my dream.

Though I never really accepted the beliefs and left them behind at a relatively young age, I was raised in a very Christian household. Given the amount of exposure I had to the beliefs, I would think that it would filter into my dreams a bit… but I can’t recall any dream that it has.

I’ve had a recurring DC who was dressed as a Buddhist monk, and dreams of reincarnation. I even dreamed of the third eye concept, though it wasn’t like how I would have imagined it (on the forehead like a cyclops).

I’m curious to hear if other individuals who don’t consider themselves to be spiritual/religious wind up with spirituality in their dreams. And if so, are they from a set of beliefs that you are familiar with?

For those who are spiritual/religious, do you ever dream of spirituality or concepts which would be in opposition to the views you have? Like dreaming about another religion as if that one was true?

I was raised Christian and am more than familiar with its teachings; however, I consider myself Pagan and have since done a lot of research into that field.
Most of the religious symbols in my dreams are pagan and the only time I recall seeing Christian symbols pop up was in a LD. In ND’s though, I have seen symbols of various deities in different pantheons, even before I really started researching them. I think to me it’s all about what I feel more comfortable with and what I’m more likely to notice. If I saw a cross in my dream I might ignore it, where as finding Mjolnir or something would be much less likely for me to overlook.

Regardless, I wouldn’t say it was as if another path is the right one, just that it’s a different viewpoint. The same meanings can be conveyed in a dream about Thor as with Jesus or a Buddhist monk, but which symbol is used might make you think about it more.

I believe that religion is a view point and that none are right or wrong. I believe in the isness of all things. Lucid Dreaming brought me to this understanding. I too don’t remember having a dream about Jesus or other Catholic symbolism that I was raised with, not that it hasn’t happened I just can’t recall any right now. I have had many spiritual experiences while dreaming. I have come to realize all I have to do is ask. Dreaming is my spiritual practice.