Hi, I am new in the Forum and all this notion of lucid dreaming, but i enjoy dreaming ,
I had some try outs for a couple years and had very good spontaneous(in some kind) and Ludic Dreams. My question is: what is the frequency of normal Lucid Dreaming? Once a week, everyday? and spontaneous lucid dreams can be easily manageable?
thank you Sorry for my bad english
It all depends on your will, on your experience, on your effort and your patience. No talent required. Those are just what you need, like any other skill otherwise. The level you deep in each of them is also your choice.
Oh, and it also depends on understanding… or at least trying to understand the different stages of one’s LD’ing experience. Most of the time these are common, so asking would be a good thing to do if you are uncertain of something.
Remember, I said “most of the time” these stages are common. So you may sometimes not get the answer you were expecting to. Some things need to be found out just by yourself.
I can only wish you good luck and a strong back !
(You know what they say "Don’t ask for a light way, ask rather for a strong back.")
That depends on your motivation, your ability to concentrate but most of all, it depends on how well you know yourself. For some people it’s hard to be lucid and their LDs are quite rare, for others, the frequent lucid dreamers, it’s natural.
Last summer I was lucid every night and had several LDs a night, between each short awakening. This winter, on the other hand, I went through periods of extreme stress (because of work and personal matters) and was lucid only about twice a week (I even had insomnia several times).