Sporadic recall

I have been trying to get dream recall in the bag but I am having a weird problem and have to carry my DJ with me. I will randomly and untimely remember my dreams. I was in my car today when out of nowhere I thought about me reaching into my nightstand and a certain book was inside of it. Then I thought, “Wait I don’t own that!” Also, I was taking a shower this morning, and again out of nowhere, I thought about this girl I know and a certain event popped into my head and I realized that never happened.

These ideas are way more than just thoughts too. I know for a fact these are my dreams. The scenes and events that I think about are far to detailed than to be just my mind playing tricks on me.

So I guess I have a two-part question.

  1. Is this a normal stage to be randomly remembering my dreams?
  2. Have others gone through this?

I do this all the time, random events in reality jog my memory on a piece or even the whole of a dream (domino effect). I suspect everyone has it happen from time to time. If you really don’t feel like carrying your journal around, which I could hardly blame you for, just try to remember and think about your dreams all you can until you get home or to a place where you can write them down.

To answer your questions directly:

  1. Yeah, it happens a lot, especially at first when your dream recall isn’t good enough to remember a dream right after you wake up, and it continues to happen long afterward, though you will later be able to remember dreams right after having them usually.
  2. Yes, me, and probably everyone who’s ever been reminded of a dream in any way at all (everyone). :grin:

I personally call these flashbacks, since the memory comes suddenly by being triggered by seeing something during the day. Since I have improved my dream recall they happen a lot more rarely for me.

Do you give yourself time to remember your dreams before jumping out of bed? Also I don’t see a problem with having a small notebook with you to jot down dream notes if you get one of these spontaneous dream memories.

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.

There’s not really anything wrong with this unless you think it’s a problem. Since it’s worrying you, though, I’d recommend actively trying to memorise your dreams in the morning and write your notes down then.