Well, I have been really busy with school and now I have spring break (Passover, woohoo!)
Well, can I get some tips on how to take advantage of the time that I have on lucidity? Just some basic tips on what to do with all this time.
Use the Suneye Method for LD induction. Take advantage of being able to sleep in (i.e. the waking up early part of the method)
OK, I’ll try that. Anything else people?
get lots of sleep everynight and set your alarm first at 6 hours after initially falling asleep. get up for a while, set the alarm for 1 and 1/2 hours later and do that a few times. use whatever techniques when going back to sleep, but the WBTB helps a lot. well it has in my experience anyway… but i’ve heard great success from many besides me with this.