Alright i have been away for a bit and with that i lost a lot of my ability at lucid dreaming so if anyone is thinking of taking time off from it all a simple lit bit of advice is: DONT. i have been getting back my skill slowly, when i say slow i mean real slow, i bearly remember my dreams anymore but all that is comming back but anywayz.
Last night i a intersting experince, as my lucidity has been comming back i have been repeating the same dream sence inside the dreams all the time. The sences are diffrent each night but they repeate whatever i was dreaming before. each time my lucidity gets stronger but i cant break out of the cycle and last night it got strange.
I was @ my dads place and got out of bed i walked into the lounge room and there was my dad, i ws aware that i was dreaming and i had walked into the room a few times before, but this time i walked up to my dad and gave him a hug. as i did i felt a change over the dream and a click in my mind and then he said somthing to me that i found odd and he stabbed me in the back with a compus, the thing that lets u draw circles well.
The pain shot through me a lot and this is very uncommon in my dreams. i seperated my mind from my dream body and was confused about why i was dreaming of being stabbed in the back for being lucid.
So the question i ask after all that is this: if i am getting my lucity back, why am i beingattacked by my DC for it.
NB: umm mods if u wanna move this go right ahead just unsure where to put it
maybe their jelous hah, but really, did you know it was coming, did you try to stop it? you whats funny, i havent been on here for a long time, and when i was my lucidity sucked but latly since i havent been on here its been doing well, like in dreams i take my shirt off, well i dont really becuase i dont want to end up some where eles so i wish for siccors and i cut it open, i never could wish for stuff, it never happens, i bet when i got to sleep nothing happends since i m back on here hahha sorry i didnt help at all, all i did was ask questions and shared my exprinces
How can you take a break from being lucid? You have to sleep sometime. Its not as if lucid dreaming takes up valuable time. Just thought I would add in that.
lol TBS thanx for sharing that it was good. I am not really asking for any answer, just sharing as well
downward~spiral you would b surprised. to be good at lucid dreaming unless you have natural skill you must train. Training takes time. Training with a Dream journal, RT WILD. I am in year 12 at college, and i didnt make the time for a dream journal or for Reality testing…how to put it. Life sorta took over lol. But now i am making lucid dreaming once again a part of my life, and this time i will be better then i was before
I would just like to back up what you are saying, Timeless_soul. I was keeping a dream diary all last year and acheiving an average of 3 lucid dreams a month. I stopped the diary early this year due to work and family commitments and now I am very out of practice with my lucid dreaming. I feel sure that I have had the odd lucid dream, but the memory of these has been lost along with all my other dreams. I now want to get back into it, and I cannot wait for my next lucid dream!
Just a comment about your dream. I wonder if in fact you had a physical pain in your back in RL. I think it is still odd that you interpreted it as being because you were trying to get lucid again, though.
Maybe you were a little bad in your past LDs. Your DCs thought they had escapaed you, so when you come back:
“Oh no, not this little bastard again…”
lol, I can’t really think of a definite reason. Just try to remember that you’re in control, if you feel the pain, just block it out through auto-suggestion or something like that.
thanx Sleepyhead, i really wish that there was not such a major drop off in memory for it, i wish you luck though. and i did indeed have pain in my back where i was stabbed the next morning there are ofcourse a few reasons for this, one i had the pain in my back and that did come into my dream that way around or the fake pain that my dream brought me caused me to have real pain irl… the mind is a funny thing.
i am not sure why i feel that it was because i was lucid again, i just had that feeling you know what i mean? when you are just aware of what a meaning is when you are dreaming even if it seems senceless.
lmfao hmm you know me too well then, i was not…bad in my ld just… powerful lol i treated my DC with respect and got it back but there were a few that i did have my run ins with.
I bealive that anything that we feel inside the dream is inportant that is why i choose not to block it out.
Learjet have you ever talked to your Sub C in your dreams, it can be quite an … intersting experince