stabilize an LD

i am not talking about how to maintain lucidity and prevent dream form fading. by stabilizing, i mean , the ability to retain the same objects in a dream for long time.
i already posted it in castaneda’s LD techniques topic, but it did not attract many replies. so iam posting it again here because i think it is useful and has not been mentioned before.
.First by learning to control the dreaming attention to only focus on a few things at once the dreamer will find that if it only looks
at things in glances, thing’s won’t change or
dissolve.When the dreamer can hold a dream in place
without it changing its time to work on the second gate.

The dreamer comes to the second gate when
a dream is in focus and it is intended,
or willed to be changed. Either by
absorbing ones attention in on a single object
and intending the dream change that way,
or by laying down and falling asleep…and
dreaming that you have another dream
hope you will try that

Dreaming in the LD :confused:

I like that! :smile: