Star Wars and spirituality

The Empire :
everyone looks the same
dresses the same
talks the same, acts the same
everyone lives in a box
they all serve absolute blackness
they are cold, sterile, run by strict rules and regulations

the rebels :
hate the empire, and wish to live simply without interference, without laws telling them how to live, or regulate how it is that they are allowed to

the force :
the minds unparalleled potential to create whatever it wants to.

I find this very interesting. I didn’t notice until this year, what Star Wars is really saying.

It’s funny how things that you watch have hidden meanings that you don’t really notice…and then suddenly it all clicks…

Take the Studio Ghibli films for example. Some have a very obvious meaning (like Nausicca and Princess Mononoke) and then there are others with more subtle morals and metaphors (like Spirited away, Totoro and Kiki)


I do not know those films, but it is interesting,

look at the children’s films coming out lately,
Last Mimzy and
this new one called Wall-E (about a robot) . showing how our society is destroying itself, or “Over the Hedge”

they are being taught a lot of things that we never were.

I think that it’s great that these meanings are being slipped in.
It means that whilst being enjoyed, these films are also (even if just subliminary) educating the different generations.