Star Wars: Episode III made me sad :(

I went to see Star Wars on the opening day w/ my family. It was good. The special effects were extraordinary!!! I do agree with Atheist… Lucas rushed the whole transition from bad to good.

Oh good, as long as he explained it I’m cool :smile:
I just hate unresolved plot holes :content:

I have not seen tit yet. I am waiting for it to come to the drive-in. (I hate theaters) :grrr:

I wonder if he will ever do the complete series of 9 episodes?

I think it was a fantastic movie…there is one thing i keep hearing a lot though and that is that Anakin turned to the DArk side to easily…If we go back to episode one when he is in the jedi chambers being tested…yoda himself sensed fear within him…that fear never left him …it was/is that fear…that not wanting to let go…not allowing things to take their “natural” course that causes his eventual turn to the DArk Side…over and over again…the jedi reiterate the inevitability of change…it is the only thing that remains constant …but Anakin’s desire to halt change causes the very death *(of padme) that he was trying so hard to prevent…

I could go into a long tirade into how the concepts in the movies reflect certain buddhist ideas as well…but…thats for another day…all in all a great film…

I always thought that much of the jedi teachings in the movie resembled Buddhist Philosophy.

The Jedi follow a philosophy of non-attachment. Anakin’s wanting to prevent Padme’s death lead him to the Dark Side by definition, particularly since his desire to save Padme is for selfish reasons.

As far as Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side…

Remember that Anakin was torn between trusting his own feelings, or upholding his Jedi training. But Sidious had convinced him of a power that he had wanted since his mother died. To add to that, the Jedi were asking him to spy on the chancellor, which was against the Jedi code. At this point, Anakin realizes that the Jedi aren’t all they are cracked up to be. When the confrontation with Sidious comes, Anakin knows that the proper Jedi action is to arrest Sidious. But Windu refuses, knowing that even with Anakin’s help, Sidious is too powerful to be contained. When Anakin sees that Windu is going to kill Sidious, he either has to choose to compromise Jedi morals and kill Sidious, or he has to choose to follow Sidious in a search for ultimate power. Anakin is in a Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t situation. I found his choice to join the Dark Side completely realistic.

However, with that said, the moment is kind of anticlimatic, because he immediately becomes consumed in a mindless quest to do Sidious’ bidding. Personally, I think the movie would have gone much better if we’d seen more pain and confusion like from his mother’s death in Episode II, except for this time having the pain simply giving him more resolve for destruction. Instead, he became a mindless minion of Sidious, which completely ruined his character for the rest of the movie.

Im in total agreement with you on that…PLUS i wanted to see ANAKIN and MACE have a fight , yeah yeah…he fought Palpatine…but so what…cmon Lucas…he’s second only to Yoda…you build him up as this bad ass in Episode 2…then u cut his arm off in Episode 3…way too easy …anyhoo…im thinking about a Fan film…based around Mace Windu…so there!!

I heard that he was just gonna stick with the six movies now. Afterall they are advertising this one as the last one, going out with a bang and everything.

No way, with the amount of money he rakes in off each episode, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled another few episodes out of his butt. If so, he’d probably make even more since it’d be such a surprise, I think it might do even better!

Well, it’s not like George Lucas needs the money :content:

Didn’t he say the same thing after return of the jedi! Who know what will happen in the future. Perhaps he will change his mind again.

The other 3 are written, so perhaps if he doesn’t want to do it someone will buy the rights from him.

I think that in the first three films you can see Anakins general movement away from the jedi. In the first film he’s separated from his mum, very bad idea, and Quigon dies. In the second his mum dies, and he’s powerless to stop it. In the third he’s so afraid of losing Padme, he takes the only action he thinks can stop his suffering.

I thought it was very well done, especially the last bit with Obiwon and Annikin. My favourite of the 6 I think.

Oh, I didn’t know that. Maybe he will make them after all then.

I hate to be a double poster and all…but I saw it last night :cool_laugh:
I loved it, it was very sad I thought. I knew it was going to be dark, but I didn’t know it would be that dark, like when Aniken killed the younglings, and order 66, all that stuff.
The special effects and the light saber choreography were just great.

I’d go see it again any day :smile:

It is still not at the drive-in yet. :grrr:

Well he claims he wrote all 9 but, I don’t know about that. I think he is making it up as he goes along.

I think he’s got the basic story line written down, but no screenplays or anything.
Thats what he did when he did the first trilogy, he wrote the back hstory which became the new trilogy, this is why sometimes you can find little plot holes in the original trilogy.

Episode III was undoubtably the best Star Wars movie. Perhaps because it is the last (latest, not in number) of the series.

I whole-heartedly disagree. None of the prequels come anywhere near to the standard of the originals. Ep 3 was the best of the prequels, but overall I didn’t like it as much as everyone else. It still had that annoying slapstick style comedy which is really lame, and it was too rushed I reckon. My favourite was The Empire Strikes Back.

Return of the Jedi will always be my favorite, but this revenge of the Sith was pretty good I think.

And my other sister (!!) said that it must have been LUKE who brings balance to the force.quote]

I think it was referring to how Darth Vader (Anakin) Kills the Emporor at the end.