I know this idea has been brought up a while in some of these forums of starting a dreaming group and now i realized this is something that i need to do. For anyone else who thinks their whole lucid dreaming experience would be alot more fullfilling by sharing thoughts and expereinces with a dream group then please email me and we can get a little dream group going i wanna get about maybe 5-7 people together in this group and we will be like a cyber dream group and we every week we could like discuss different topics concerning dreaming and jsut help one another out on our path to lucidity so please if you are interested in this email me and we will get this going and i believe this will be a great expereince for anyone who wants to join this dream group…oh and my email is benaltamirano@yahoo.com so please drop me a line if you this is what you would like to do thanks
Hey, make sure to post about your results with this. I’m interested to see how it goes for you. Good luck!
It might be an idea for you to check out the sealife forum. there are dream teams there, in private forums about 8 members per team. Also a lot of the members there are also members of ld4all.
I hope to see you there, just put your name and details in the sticky "I want to join a dream team topic in the top section.
Damn. I’ve been meaning to join one, but again, I can’t ensure dediated time.