Starting afresh?

Hey there :woo:

I’ve been trying to have a lucid dream for over a year or so using WBTB and MILD. I’ve has some progress, my DR has improved greatly and I’ve had a few lucid related dreams and FLDs.

Should I keep on doing this or should I take a break for a week or so, would a break be beneficial? Or should I just experiment with different techniques?

Thanks :tongue:

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

taking a break is definetely beneficial
most people have their first true LD when they stop trying for a while, then out of the blue they get an LD

Just a thing: when you say take a week off, it must be for real. No more thinking about techniques, especially before bedtime; you must really go to bed like nothing will happen; otherwise, it’s pretty much wasted time you’d better spend actually practicing those techs instead of just casually thinking about them.