This is part II of the Starting anew-topic. For part I please go to:
Day 13?
One dream recalled. I haven’t really been bothering to write down my dreams lately. Too lazy. Continuing attempts in WILD. I don’t think I see hypnagogia, so I will try to meditate before I try WILD. Also going to keep trying out BALD!
Reading some other websites about WILDs and lucid dreaming to help keep my mind on lucids.
I also had one of my first false awakenings! I “awoke” and I was trying to listen to a lucid CD I recorded, but I couldn’t find any headphones anywhere so I got frustrated and gave up. So close! 
Seeing as how I wasn’t keeping a dream journal, my recall has slowly been regressing to nothing. Thus, when I read this program in detail, I realized how it had EVERYTHING I wanted; routines to improve dream quality (mine are awful, and lack vividness), recall improvement, meditation/relaxation, and detailed directions.
I chose to do Day 1 last night…had such a hard time falling asleep that nothing happened at all; dreams forgotten when the alarm went off and I jumped out of bed (a first!) to turn it off.
However, last night, when I decided to remain a little more conscious in “Stage Two” (see the course), I actually experienced my first Hypnagogia…not so much the flashing dots, but what felt amazing; the vibrations. I was so glad to have reached them that I smiled and started to laugh (I couldn’t control myself), which knocked me out of the vibes.
They came back later, but this time my whole head felt like someone was pushing it down into the mattress/pillow. This felt cool, but it was hard to feel this and still fall asleep. Here I THINK I saw hypnagogic lights.
Hopefully my recall and such WILL improve.
Day 16
Only one dream recalled and barely even that. I didn’t wake up for WILD. I don’t set an alarm for it but I had myself waking up around 4ish everyday. Hopefully just thinking about it more before going to bed will get me back on schedule.
Congrats on your first hypnagogia Magus! I’m still trying for that myself…
Day 13(Day before I posted was actually Day 12)
Recalled 2 dreams in fairly good detail that were interesting. Dream Journal is starting to collect dust now…
P.S. Raging Canadian, how many weeks are you going to do for this course? I am most likely just going to finish Week 2.
I planned on going for 4 weeks. 
I’m thinking of quiting after week 3. And just going back to journaling with vigorous RCing combined with WILD and MILD.
As lazy as I was, the dream journal is sure to help me, because I wrote in it three times while on vacation over winter break and I mysteriously could remember vivid dreams…sadly since then my recall has tanked and I don’t remember anything. I figure the journal is worth it, it works.
I’m taking things slowly…! BRING ON THE MILD/WILD, NATCHES!
I gave up around day 3 because I had a surplus of weed and a lack of will power during vacation. So I’m trying to pick up where I left off. Today (day 4?) I had one really long bizarre dream, and slept in until 1:30, completely ignoring my alarm
Starting to write in my dream journal again is helping alot I think, although unless I sleep through school every day I won’t have very good results during the week. Anyway I’m rambling now and it’s time for bed. 
Day 2
DREAMS REMEMBERED! Didn’t write them down more than a simple “SUCCESS!” sentence (no time, overslept), but I woke up from my alarm and knew I’d had a dream (but forgot what it was about). I went back to sleep by accident and woke up 30 mins later, having had a long and AMAZINGLY vivid dream compared to what I’ve had before (those “Refining Quality” exercises paid off…for the first time I had a dream so realistic I was pretty fooled). And best of all, in this last dream of mine, the problem I was solving actually DID come up in passing reference (a girl I’m thinking of asking out), and might have been in the dream cycle!
EDIT (wow this post is getting long): My dreams are becoming more logical and starting to mimic real life (this is a first for me as far as I can remember). In my dream it was getting late and my sister told me to goto sleep, so I went up to my room (or I may have just teleported there without my realizing it) and hopped in bed, thinking about having my LDs and such when I awoke. Dammit, if it wasn’t a school night, I might have had a lucid dream in the end!
While getting dressed I remembered a fragment of my old dream. Hurray! Since I’m sleep-deprived during the school week, this is quite an achievement. And as the course says, with practice you can recall dreams even after your alarm scares the CRAP out of you.
More snow in DC, and if they don’t call school closings tonight then I will gladly goto sleep early, wake up at the usual time (6AM), and do WBTB (hey, now I have an excuse!) in combination with a MILD “safety net” and do WILD. Last night I mapped my Hypnagogia some more; no visual, but I swear I heard aural hallucinations that I had never heard before, repeated over and over (it sounded like a spark or some kind of “flicking”). This came, interestingly enough, right after the slight stiffening and vibrations.
It’s different for everyone else, but at least expect this in hypnagogics:
- Vibrations (they feel great, don’t be scared of them at all! Just try not to smile at the feeling, I do this a lot and end up being too excited…so I break concentration)
- Aural Hallucinations (they don’t sound bad, and according to the Course on Consciousness can be modified to help you relax, like a complete song played over and over)
- Imagery (again, can be manipulated to your desire)
Good luck to everyone!
Day 14
1 dream recalled. I think I’m getting used to NOT writing in my dream journal. I had a weird experience this morning. I awoke at 4:45 like I always do and I was too tired to try WILD, but when I closed my eyes and opened them again, my alarm clock said 7:00. It was really weird. I knew it wasn’t a dream. I guess I just fell asleep very quickly then awoke later and thought it was a very short time. Hard to explain.
I haven’t done WILD very effectively, so I’m going to meditate while I perform WILD. Hoping I will have success soon!
Same thing happened to me one time when I was heavily sleep-deprived…it feels amazingly strange, but it’s probably just a sudden fall into deep sleep and a wake-up later, with no dream.
Day 17
Very annoying experience this morning. I went through my dream in my head before I reached for my journal and light. Then . . . BAAM! It was totally gone.
I still can’t remember anything about the dream. All I can say is I hope it was about t.A.T.u 
I missed my WILD attempt. Didn’t wake up. Maybe I need more focus on waking at 4, it just came so easily to me for the last 6 months.
Hmmmm…Well, I seem to be done with the 2 weeks that I planned, but I will still post my results. 1 dream recalled in good detail. Tried meditating before WILD, but I fell asleep very quickly. Gotta get it sooner or later!
Day 18
1 hazey vague dream
I’m out too. Going to try to up my dream recall before I try any serious programs of induction. I will of course keep MILDing and WILDing but its out the window with the program. I may start the program up again if the threads still around after I’ver improved my recall.
Until then I’ll still keep posting/reading this thread most diligently.
Good Luck to all.