I’m sooo frustrated, I’m going to take christmas break off and pick it back up when school does. I will start from scratch with dream recall. Is this a good idea? And If so, any suggestions? I want you to talk to me like I’m a newb, because nothing seems to be getting through to me.
maybe a break would do you some good im going to have to seeing im off on holiday with some mates right after christmas
i dont have that much experience but maybe just easing off a bit and just not thinking about it to much will be better than a full break
Yes this might be a good idea. It’s best to take a FULL break and try to forget about LDing, or dreaming in general, for about a week or two weeks. To most people, this has a beneficial effect on their dream recall afterwards. But you really must clear your mind in these two weeks to have the best effect.
Most important, when you start again afterwards working on dream recall and LD incubation: be MOTIVATED and feel/strengthen your INTENTION of remembering your dreams. If I lack the motivation or intention, I always think back to old vivid dreams. Then I try to place myself back in those dreams and make contact with the dream environment. Mostly this gives me some extatic feelings and definitely motivates me to incubate more of these kind of dreams and to remember them better afterwards.
You may never give up for good on trying, no matter how desperate you are, because that’s certainly no solution to the problem. If you keep trying the best you can, things will become better and you will have a better dream recall sooner or later.
I hope this helps a bit… I’m sure this break will do you much good
It can certainly be useful to take a break, but to me, it sounds like the upcoming holiday would be a great time to try even harder. Not having to get up early for school is helpful, because you can stay in bed until you reach the hugely rewarding 9 to 10 hour mark (during which your final REM period lasts about 60 minutes). I have 2 more days of work this year, then I plan to spend my free time sleeping in late and generally doing little besides working towards lucid dreaming. What else are holidays for?
I took a break once and found that at the end I was faced with a multi-month drought. It helps for some people, but I wish I had stuck with it back then.
In a book I read about LDs it said it was an idea to give yourself a day off once a week, when starting off. It probably gives you a chance to “recharge your batteries”.
Trung, just looking at your avatar makes me have lucid dreams for days
Trung you had lds before right?
If so then i suggest to use the hollydays indeed to use that time for doing reversed rc’s and reading about lds and your dream diary.
If you not had any lds yet…then i advise take a break and relax let it go for some time and then start over from scrap.
Hehe Trung Of Wu, good luck. I know how you feel though… I have had nasty dry spell and I still do have them. I’m not going for LD’s right now and it seems to work. lol.
One advantage i can see from starting from scratch is. . . you can look back at your mistakes, and you faults and side-step them next time round. to me i think its a very good idea, and its something i may do myself.
It’s strange, but “not trying” is giving me more ld’s than trying, the only problem being I can barely remember what I do once lucid. I’ve had at least 4 so far since I stopped trying a week ago or so. ^.^ So…
yea. Keep up the good work peoples. Good to hear from you again DM7