hi there im new on this forum. I only read about the lucid dreaming yesterday and its some kind of way to kontroll you dreams right?
Because i have always had a talent of changeing the “story” as i see it fit. The means if my mind makes up a part of the dream i dont like my contiusness just erases that part and makes a new better one.
is this lucid dreaming?
The type of control you describe does not fully define lucidity, but it’s a good step in the right direction.
Lucidity entails being fully aware of your waking life as you are dreaming, not on a moment to moment basis, but accessible at any given moment while you are dreaming.
It sounds to me you’re lucid in those moments you change the story, but perhaps not while the new script plays itself out.
Hi! Lucid Dreaming means that you know you are dreaming, while you are dreaming. This either comes about by saying to yourself in a dream, “Hey… Am I dreaming? Yup!” (DILD), or by going directly from waking to dreaming without a loss of consciousness (WILD).
For me, the experience is just like being awake, except that I can fly around, throw cars at people, shoot lightning bolts and do other fun stuff like that. Control is part of it, but it’s not everything.
Not necessarily… I have a very bad memory of the day world in dreams…
psyaholic, if you haven’t browsed the site that this forum is a part of yet, do it. It’s worth it, and the site gives many answers that are asked by newbies about LDing.