Starting music in an LD

Has anyone had any success with getting music to play in their lucid dreams? Sometimes when I’m in a good LD and I’m flying around, feeling really powerful, I just want some good music to start playing to give me a soundtrack. Unfortunately I can’t get this to work.

Anyone else tried this?

Have you tried summoning a CD player or stereo and pressing play? Or you can just “find” a band/orchestra and get them to play for you.

ive summoned it in the way amethyst star is saying myself, you should give that a try. another way you could do it is form a group yourself and replicate the song your thinking of by playing the instruments.

Ive tried to start a cd player in my dreams. Didnt work. I think you better off just trying to “hear” the music than trying to get a stereo to work.

I have.

I tried playing my Korn album, but it didn’t work all that well. It took a couple of seconds from each track and then played these small excpets one after the other in a random order. Terrible.

I’ve had my CD player (the same one) suddenly start up and play a song I’ve never heard before (the lyrics were repetive, and were ‘Rise, this demon, this demon of the flesh’)

Another time I was walking accross my school ground in an LD when suddenly some music started playing from no where.

I remember one short LD where I did nothing but play CD’s and remark just how close they were to the real thing (though sometimes it repeated a verse or skipped one out).

I’ve heard music in lucid dreams and non-lucid dreams. I’ve also heard songs that don’t exist. In one dream I was in a car, tuning into radio stations. One of the songs was a kind of dance tune with the lyrics “Whoa, Come back to me”.