Still no luck with lucid dreaming

I’ve been trying for over a year now, and even though the forums and the site has helped me a lot, I still haven’t had a lucid dream yet. I came close to having an OOBE though, or so i’ve been told.

I have a few questions. Almost every time I try to have a lucid dream (that is, every night) i use brainwave generator. Is it bad how i’ve become ‘dependant’ on this? will this hinder me, as opposed to helping me? if it is helping, can anybody recommend how to keep the headphones on, when you turn over etc in your sleep? i always seem to wake up with them wrapped around my neck.

secondly, when you are in bed preparing to have a lucid dream, how are you laid? i normally sleep on my side, but i always try to start lying on my back so i am completely relaxed.

i have tried counting backwards from 50, and between every number saying “the next time i am dreaming, i will realise that i am dreaming” but i always seem to lose track of where i was when i’m counting, and then my mind just wanders off somewhere else. what am i doing wrong here?

thankyou so, so much for any help in advance. i’m still determined to try this. i’ve still been keeping my dream journal, and i still do reality checks when i remember to do them.

I would say (and I’m only one person, try to take everyone’s opinione into account) you need to spice it up a little. Don’t make lucid dreaming into a boring routine, but an exciting experience everynight (easier said than done…).

Also, I personally would lose the brainwave generator. I doubt it’s doing “harm,” but it clearly isn’t helping, and a fresh start taken from a natural angle might help things.

I think people should lay on their backs for as long as humanly possible when they’re going to sleep for LDs. Since it keeps you awake longer, you have more time to think about LDs, dream recall, doing RCs, etc. etc.

And you may not wish to use WILD (counting backwards). I personally hate WILD, and although I’ll master it someday, it won’t be any time soon. I would say just lay in bed for a half hour or so constantly reaffirming your intention to have LDs (MILD). It just seems like a better starting point until you start to have LDs.

And when you’ve noticed your mind wandering, start over (unless you need the sleep because you have business in the morning): reaffirm your intention to continue thinking about LDs and positive dreams in general.

That’s just my take on things though.

The most foolproof method for inducing LDs, in my opinion, is just doing a lot of RC throughout the day.

That’s a good point. That’s given me 2 so far (and I’ve only had 2).

Another thing to remember is that it’s good to take a break every now and then, especially during dry spells. I stopped everything LD-related for, maybe, 5-6 days, and I just had one last night. It was a pretty low-level LD, and I kept being bothered by some bald guy (?), but it was an LD nonetheless.

Do you do WBTB? It can help a hell of a lot.

Also, experiment with different techniques.

And like O2K suggested, take RC’s (preferably two or three) throughout the day whenever you remember.

you should really have a look at the
“Read this and you’ll LD” topic in ““Shortcuts to Lucidity””.

It is the easiest way to LD invented right now,
because it’s, like, packed with stimuli for your
subconcious mind which will make you LD.

Its a method which works for everybody,
if u just read it you don’t even need to
believe a single word in it - - - you will LD anyway, promised :tongue:

Well, if it’s a placebo effect your talking about, you do have to believe it.

And besides, you’d probally have more success doing techniques and RC’s…

Brainwave gen only helps you have a LD, but you need to already be able to have them, and get good at whatever technique suits you. I tried what your doing at first too, but it got me no where.

It is also possible that this stuff is a placebo, but I believe some really work. Deep Meditation kicks ass, gets me in a deep trance every time, which is good for having OOBEs.

Congrats on keeping up with your LD practice…you’ve gone 1yr…with little results and yet you are keeping on…great attitude…
Couple of things:

The BWgen, Ive used it and its a great tool…however i feel/believe you should “supplement” your major work such as RCs, Meditations, Intention with the BWgen program.

Secondly…your reality testing needs to be a bit more disciplined…its great that you do them when you remember to…but I believe what you want is an automatic response so my suggestion to you is to find some of the most reliable RCs the generic ones(ones that work for most people most of the time) as well as some RCs built around your personal Dreamsigns and seek to test them as often as possible during the “day” say every 15 minutes or so…you may even devote an entire day specifically to one RC and note how many times you did it…in this way you build upthe HABIT of RC-ing and it WILL carry over into your “dream” state.

Remember this also…there is but one mind you have…the mind you use during what we call the “day” dream is the same one we use during our “night” dream…so… how Lucid are you right now? How aware of your awareness are your right now?How real is your reality RIGHT NOW!!??
Hmmm I think you’re Dreaming…better do A Reality check!!!