Stop, Drop, Roll (SDR) Technique

i guess. last time was that time a few days ago. nothing more after that, but i guess i shouldn’t expect them every day xD

It’s the same for me, even when I’m keeping a DJ and a GPJ (Goal/Progress Journal, about to post again about it). :wink: Well, I shouldn’t really say that considering my first week and a half here at the forums… But anyway, they’ve more evened out since then. :tongue:

well, Scipio (and everyone else who tried this), any luck? to tell you the truth, i kinda dropped this technique. doesn’t really give any results.
but the chronic insomniac woman i recommended this to is now sleeping like a baby every night :smile:

I used the SDR technique and I started to feel SP starting. After a few minutes i started to see the dream start. A very primitive dream scenario appeared and I said to myself one last time: “lucid dreaming is easy and I will do a reality check”. When I said that my dream started to fade away, so I relaxed. I felt asleep and that’s all. Am I doing anything wrong, besides forgeting to roll? Do I have to roll really fast or slowly?

Also, while “falling” inside this dream world, it felt as if I had no body, that all I were was a energy ball floating inside nothing, just like as if I were god creating the world.

Well, you don’t want to stay TOO aware when you’re in HI and getting close to a dream. That often, if not always, chases the HI away. I’ve been using SDR lately even when I first fall asleep just so I don’t spend a half hour doing so, and I’ve been using it now for the last several nights. However, when I attempt WILD with it, I haven’t been rolling either. I’ve fallen asleep and LDed while on my back, and I’ve woken up while on my back. I have noticed myself semi waking up and rolling at the beginning of the night, like last night when I got frustrated with how uncomfortable the “roll over signal” was and rolled over anyway. However, it didn’t take me long to fall back asleep.

In the video/pdf, Nick tells you to roll really slowly. However, even without focusing on when to roll or really planning to roll, I find it’s been helping me to sleep anyway.

Maybe that is it. I was too ocuppied trying to create the dream world and drove my HI away :neutral: . Anyway, I can try it again this night. Is it that effective or like only 30% of your dreams are a LD with it? I’m really curious (and excited, as it seems to be very easy and effective) about it.

i actually never got any LDs with this, but every person is different. so you can only find out your own success rate :tongue: