Stop, Drop, Roll (SDR) Technique

Well, I’ve been experimenting with this technique that I first found out about while browsing the New Acronyms Topic. For the most part it definitely succeeds in helping you enter a SP and HI state, but I have found certain side effects, and I would like some clarification from those who have been using this technique for any amount of time.

If you are unfamiliar with the SDR technique go to specifically Lucidology 101 Part 3 | The Stop Drop Roll Technique.

But to the matter at hand. I would like to know if others who have used this technique first experienced a lapse in DR. I believe I may be suffering this lapse because the technique comes with a relaxation ‘ritual’ that I have followed through with nightly since Monday. I believe that this is causing me to have deeper, more sound sleep and hence a (temporary?) lapse in dream recall.

Oh, and if anyone could mention some more exit techniques (movement free if possible) other than those listed on the Lucidology website I would be grateful. I’m getting kind of tired of being stuck in SP several times a night and not getting anywhere. :tongue:

hi! i read this yesterday just before going to sleep and decided to give it a try ^^

i haven’t been successful with WILDs yet, but this is the closest i got, i figure. i was doing pretty much everything it said (with the wall stretching and everything - it’s a good thing, actually!), but i also listened to meditation music. i decided to try it out because before when i tried WILDing, my mind just aimlessly wandered, so i thought it might help.
anyway, i did everything like it said, but the last bits are unclear. see, i was laying there on my back for a really long time, and i was already getting SP (at least i understand i was, because i could have moved my hands and feet, but they felt sooooo heavy that it would take good effort to do that). but i wasn’t getting the roll over signal for about an hour! i just felt comfy. when i did get it, i waited for a while… but now what puzzles me is that he says you need to roll over, but when he talks about the exit techs, he just explains on the person laying on his back…? so do we need to roll over or not…
anyway, after a while of the signal and after it sort of went away, i was tired of waiting for nothing and rolled over like he said. i lost a little of SP on the way… while i was laying on my back, i got these weird feelings, like my hands are raising a millimeter or two over my real hands. but that’s all i got! no other “gravity” or falling over really worked.
anyway, when i rolled over i just waited, waited… nothing happened for a long time, so i grew tired of this and the music started getting on my nerves. at some point i shut it off and just went to sleep normally. i’m not good with WILDs, so can you tell me what’s supposed to happen at this point…? i’m not entirely sure.
also, at the end i was sort of getting some HI, but also not. they were so weak. but i almost never have them. others say not to worry, cause some people don’t have them ever.

one thing after this though, is that i woke up in the morning and realised i haven’t slept this good in ages! wow. even though i spent and hour and a half just lying around with supposed insomnia :happy: and i woke up feeling as good as that! that’s amazing.
but i couldn’t remember any dreams either. but i haven’t been able to for a few days now, so i don’t think it’s due to the SDR (although it could be).

how does this technique feel to you? does anything happen?

When he says ‘Roll Over’ I believe he’s using it as a generic term for ‘Do an Exit Technique’ one of which is roll over although he doesn’t recommend that one.

Congrats on the great sleep. I’ve been having the same results. One reason why I think SDR diminished my DR.

As for laying for an hour, I do too. The only thing that gets me everytime is that when I glance at the clock after giving up like you did (and I’ve done so every night so far) so much more time has elapsed than I thought and that time interval is increasing. My guess is, eventually, I’ll lay in wait and SP into REM sleep, hence LD!

And while not so much last night, I’ve had loads of SP induced HI while waiting for SP to reach 100%. I’m still going to keep doing it, because like you said Avalinah, you get some nice relaxing sleep.

i don’t think he’s referring to an exit, that’s the thing!

after that he also says that you need to assume a comfy position and the healthiest is on the side as opposed to on the back. so all of this actually puzzles me :uh:

well if you are successful, tell me xD hehe. i have been unsuccessful with WILD all this time because i don’t even understand the concept of “keep your mind awake”. usually for me it’s either ‘can’t go to sleep at all cause i’m too aware’ or i just drift out to black nothingness.

wish i was so lucky with HI :meh: my brain’s lazy on that one i think :rofl:

anyway, i think i will do the relaxing routine, although i don’t know about lying there for an hour and a half xD post here please if you get new results!

I will, and I know what you’re talking about with the quote. It confused me initially first as well, and a little of that confusion is still there. I just believe what I said above, it’s time to use an exit technique. Mostly this is because I can’t get a plateaued roll over signal, but I do get SP.

What I’m having trouble with is exiting. Several times I’ve successfully entered SP using this method, but I’m having trouble going from that into an OBE or LD. Still, you’ll know it when I get it to work. I guarantee you that.

best of luck :mrgreen:

by the way, i talked to people about WILDs, and they said that even if i do get SP, i’m too aware in my mind and that’s why it doesn’t work. i believe it’s probably true.

After listening to it rather distracted by the horrendous text spam he uses in his slideshows, i’m a bit confused.
First he says to resist roll over signal, because then the body will think the mind asleep and will stop nagging with all sorts of “scratch me!” demands.
Then he goes on to explain the 3 step acceptance of roll over signal, which basically tells the body that the brain aren’t in “leave me alone” mode of sleep/dreams/HI yet.

Funnily enough, i’ve been using the exact same 3 position transition to sleep often. Hands above head for only a few single-digit minutes, straight on back for longer (though i do cross my hands over my body,just not on stomach) and the last, laying on the side very short cause i fall off the grid and asleep.

I’ve been knowing SDR for 2/3 of a year or so. Doesn’t do much. It only works (IMO) when you are really sleepy, or else you might find yourself “dropping” and “rolling” for some good hours.

Exit methods ? I once wrote a post concerning something like “All about SP”. Click this link and it will jump right to the post I mean - just let it load for a few seconds. :smile:
[center][url]Help - I'm scared of SP?? - #8 by Don_Anonymus][/center] (at the bottom of it are the dream exit methods I use, but you could read the whole thing.)

actually, the guy DOES say that you shouldn’t try to do this at the evening, better with WBTB or in the daytime even. but he says that in another post.

by the way, guys, um xD random, but it’s sort of an update xD so the SDR hasn’t given me a LD yet, but get this… while i was trying to WILD after WBTB this morning… i couldn’t i went to sleep, but… :happy: i WILDed INSIDE my next dream xD how crazy is that?? but i guess as long as it works… :rofl:

by the way, we didn’t mean SP exit techniques. we meant body exit techniques, that make you enter a dream.

Edited into previous post. :mattias:

okay, so last night I tried something similar to this technique, and instead of re-typing it all, here’s a link to my post describing my experiences:

[Paralyzed? OBE?)

Yeah, like avalinah said. I know how to break out of SP and the term Newport uses is Exit Methods. By this he means, like avalinah said, body exit methods such as Open Mouth, and Gravity Pull. We don’t want to break SP, we want to move from SP into an OBE or LD. (Personal belief until I prove myself otherwise: an OBE is just an LD in which you enter a dreamscape that is extremely similar to your RL location. When I have an OBE i’m going to try moving something and then (maybe) force myself awake and check to see if it worked. If I can’t move anything I’ll try checking up on my family and then confirm what knowledge I get.)

hehe, i have funny news about this method. my mom has a co-worker that has had insomnia for years. she can’t sleep well. so i told her about this tech and explained carefully what she needs to do. she tried it and thanked me so much xD she said “i had forgotten what it means to sleep like that!!”… so what we said didn’t work on us only :smile: don’t know about WILDs, but this method does give you very deep and relaxed sleep. you can recommend it to any insomniacs you know :smile:

Reading that last post really reminded me of how long it takes me to fall asleep sometimes. :tongue: At one point, I had gone through all the Lucidology 101 videos, thanks to OmkAR’s recommendation, but never really thought a lot of them. I tried some stuff, but didn’t keep at it. I nearly want to go sleep and do this right now. Of course, I’m sure it’s helpful with WILDs and OBEs and such (otherwise why would it be in Lucidology?), but never really thought it would help with sleeping. Could probably also help a lot when I try to nap.

Exactly what I don’t like about naps. Even though I tend to have LDs during them sometimes, often I don’t sleep deeply enough to do so and wake up feeling like I didn’t nap at all. I’m going to have to start trying this again, both with naps and my “normal” sleep. :razz:

yeah, try this. the little ‘exercise’ he tells you do do before you go to sleep (various sorts of stretching and stuff) really does help with body relaxation. you feel ‘heavy and tired’ when you go to bed, so you sleep really well :smile: helps me to relax too. and the first times i did it, i was surprised how much my bones crack at it xD now they don’t cause i do this every night. i think it relieves the stress our muscles and bones get because of sitting all day long.

Do you know how much I love cracking my joints? :lmao: Probably not. But I do. It feels like a pressure relief for them a lot of the time I do it. Plus, especially when I crack my back, it stretches muscles too. I should sleep soon…

Oh… you mean body exit methods. I thought you wanted to exit SP. :smile: In that case I can’t help you much. Nick says the most of them and as I have other judgments for OBE’s I don’t know much about these things.

I know someone who rolls over at a very specific time once in SP and falls into an abyss. After some time of falling he finds himself on a beach or other dream-scape.

yeah, wish it was that easy.

Don’t we all… That’s partly why I’ve succeeded with DEILDs but not WILD yet. :content:

i haven’t even been that successful Vera xD

Patience, patience. It takes a bit of time and practice. :content: You’re still getting lucid, no?