Attempting a all night WILD

Are you the same person as JayHaze ? :eh: I thought he said he was going to do it and inform us what would happen. So I’m asking the author of this thread again:

When do/did you WILD ?


Ah, ok thanks. People say you have more chances in the early morning than at night, but I don’t have enough experience in this domain to give a right advice…

Good luck ! :smile:

Yeah thats true, but I can only do that on the weekends I guess. I know it has to do with higher serotonin levels in the morning. When I can do it, I will try to maybe stay up all night until like 3am and try it then.

You only have a better chance because you are closer to a remphase. the reason a wild is so challenging at the start of the night is because you have to do 1 of 2 things. 1 force a rem cycle which is not fun or easy. 2 is wait it out for a remcycle to come. which is what JayHaze did by the sounds of it.

thats more or less why its harder. its just not the opportune time :slight_smile:

Hey everyone. I’m going to start my second attempt at 10pm. Hopefully I can get pass 2 hours.

Ok so I got to the first dream again. That dream was a false awakening/nightmare that I woke up from. It was pretty crazy. I kinda feel mentally tired. Maybe I should take a break tonight. This experiment is kinda tough. I just want to experience what happens during the whole 8 hours of sleep.

You are one crazy dude. Wow i could never pull off an all night WILD. Good luck. I’m really amazed at your motivation

ok guys. This is going to be my third go at it. Officially starting at 11:00 pm. I think I have enough energy to do good this try.

Just saw this post !

Quite amazing motivation, but that’s the only way if you want to do it !

What is your technique to attempt a WILD ?
Do you have some advices for me ?


Ah this is interesting, well done for doing this.

I’m gonna try this out today.

Well, what I do is basically old fashion WILD. I sleep and wake up after 6 hours. I lay back down after like 5 minutes. Relax your whole body sit for about 15-20 minutes. Going into the dream is kinda weird. With me, I feel heavy vibrations and I hear ringing or buzzing in my ear. It gets more intense and I see a flash white. After that I’m in a dream.

My third try last night was by far the best. I got at least 4 hours in. I got into a dream at about an hour and some minutes. I tried to prolong the dream, but I slipped out of it straight into deep sleep. During that period, my body felt tingly. Its very hard to explain. My heartbeat was slow and loud. I could feel it. Maybe an hour and a half later, I got into another dream. I had my fun and decided not to prolong it. I came back to non rem sleep. It wasn’t as deep as before. I really felt like waking up. My eyes felt like they were glued shut. Sleep paralysis was heavy. So I finally decided to start moving my fingers to try to get out of it. I did and got up from bed. I didn’t feel tired, but it felt like I could go back to sleep no problem. So I actually went to sleep the rest of the night. I advise others to try it. Gotta have patience. 4 hours felt like 4 years. I don’t really know about going for all 8 but I’ll try.

just a question with what your doing… are you trying to stay consious the whole night but be asleep?

Sleep time! See you all in two weeks. (dream clock here I go!)

Maybe WILD @ bedtime will work, I mean, it WILL WORK! Heard that SC?

mind awake, body asleep. good luck to all who try this experiment too. It will feel like years but its worth it. You get the whole “sleep experience”.

Have you done any relaxation technique? Or you just laid down and waited for the paralysis to come?

Thanks for your reply !
Anyway good luck :happy:
I’m following this post very closely.

The first two times I did the stop drop and roll technique. The other one I just waited.

Stop drop and roll ?

Stop drop and roll is a technique that was made for the Lucidology 101 course. Here’s a link to the topic.

Thank you very much Rhewin :happy: