Stop trying to dream.

Well I think he was pretty strait foreward with what he said. I mean he was with everything else. What do you get out of it.

Reminding me of a song called “Misunderstood” about Jesus, which I decided to call one of my favorite songs ever just earlier that day.

Sage I mean do you think you could take off flying or make things appear out of thin air?

Before I answer that, ask yourself this… do you think Jesus could have taken off flying or made things appear out of thin air? In the Bible, he did both. And not only him. Other people did the same things. And Jesus, the man who did these miraculous deeds, then said:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do…” (John 14:12), and:

“I have said, YE ARE GODS; and all of you are children of the most High.” (Ps. 82)

And when you consider that similar “miraculous” events are reported in pretty much all cultures and religions throughout the world… well, it makes you wonder just who we really are and how real this world really is. But like with anything, believe what you want to believe.

Ya, I believe that the christian religion withheld a lot of information about jesus and others who were enlightened, simply to hold us “common” believers back. When these saints were trying to open our minds and give us a vague idea of what is possible, not hold us back by being forced into blind warship. Thats why I think the religions of the Mayan and Buddhist were the most complete, there is talk about buddhist monks who live for hundreds even thousands of years today, and thats how people like Moses lived thousands of years ago, so there has most definitely been some withheld information in our religions who want us to work and live to standards in order to have a glourious afterlife. The muslum religion couldn’t say it better, when the writer lived in poverty and had visions he lived with peace and wrote a peaceful religion, but when he was turned on by money and power he changed his views and wanted his people to be against any opposing religions. Thus stripping their abilities to live for themselves by blindly following a path of the ego, hell he projected his ego inside of them so in a sense he was their god.

Only good that you provided us with a way of proof in this very post:

So someone who believes that everything is possible will be able to see you flying. Great. The proof should be easy enough, but we need three people:

  1. you
  2. a critic (e.g. me)
  3. an independent observer who believes everything is possible

Then, you take off for a flight, or create a box of chocolates, or walk through a wall, anything. Afterwards, I ask you what you did (without the observer listening), and then ask the observer what you did. If both stories match, something weird has to be going on.

This is of course not a scientific proof, since I left out tons of “security measures” for the sake of simplicity. My point is, you CAN proof this claim if it’s true.

Comments for ilovelucid:

“I don’t know about that it’s like assuring yourself that you’re a god or something. And can do anything you want at anytime.”

Definition of god: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient 	originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions.

To create this reality, which encompasses all of nature, must be able to process such. Thus it must be above the ability of nature itself, making me a supernatural entity. Anything that is concious is supernatural, because it realises what nature is. I must be perfect, and omnipotent since if i loose conciousness, you fail to exist.

“And if this worked wouldn’t their already be many people flying around and destroying planets and creating universes and stuff?”"

Lots of people are, you just can’t see it because you don’t have a purpose/you don’t want to/sceptical/etc/insert your personal reason here… every morning i create a universe. how can you prove you sleep? I lay down at night and suddenly it’s morning. you have to destroy and create your universe in that time. It cannot exist without you existing.

“But do you think that if you accepted this that you could do anything you wanted, and by the way are you a Christian? Because I have been raised a Christian and that’s what makes it hard for me to believe this but throughout the day today after reading your post I have thought so many things that go against my religion that I feel bad now.”

And so you should. Feeling ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ is merely excersizing those things in life that you fear. Wouldn’t your god want you to be the strongest person you can be? Doesn’t that mean you would ultimately have to face the fact that he may not be your god? (through all possibilities)

What shocks me more is that your nickname is ‘ilovelucid’, and you indulge in lucidity, which is the altering of reality. if you’re so stunned by the seemingly organically-random possibilities of reality modification, why did you make statements on this forum eluding to the fact that drugs were involved (which you’re obviously against).

According to lucidity, that of excitement, personal journey, allowing yourself to unlock from your ego, through hypnogogic hallucinations, obvious a distorted form of reality, for those above reasons, you yourself are no different to a drug user. In fact, a drug is just something that causes a chemical reaction. Thus, you are a drug. What did god say about drugs?

I appear to be rambling off topic since you don’t really appear to be on topic. If you have questions about the theory, that is fine, but please don’t attack me personally. Theory is perfect. I am not. I don’t claim to be, i merely claim to observe and respect the theory, and to try to coincide as close as possible to it. Nothing more, nothing less. Hate the formula, not the mathematician.

Comments for MedO:

Yeah, but you’ve also forgotten that ‘you’, ‘me’ and an ‘independant observer’ are all actually participants, none are observers, and all control a slightly seperate model of reality to one another, because people see life through slightly different tints of filters.

I can’t prove it to you because my reality is in my head. If you want me to prove it to you, then become me.

If you can’t accept certain elements of my reality, (and i don’t blame you), then that’s fine… 99.9% of this world’s sheep-like humans can’t digest half of what comes out of my mouth anyways. I started this thread (and my existence) to assist people’s frames of mind in a positive manner. If all you can do is demand proof of ‘miracle’ acts to satisfy your own imprisoned ego, then you really don’t understand the point of any of this thread…

This seems like a very good method to me. It does seem more logical to think that you are already than to wish that you become. Here are my reasons for agreeing:

  1. We usually don’t get what we desire, and so sub-consciously, we might expect not to get we desire

  2. By telling ourselves that we are already lucid without questioning it, our sub-conscious becomes pre-conditioned into assuming that we are lucid. We continue to believe so until something proves otherwise.

So if I understand correctly, I should accept, without question, the real possibility that I am lucid, even when I am awake.

If I did understand what has been said, then as you read this topic, you should assume that your lucid, and do an RC now.

Well you don’t really have to do a RC because if you are lucid and know that you are you should be able to alter your reality right now, just like you’re in a lucid dream.

Not entirely correct.
I’ve attached a guide to show you how to accomplish the required reality reality-check, and if successfull, to achieve real life lucidity:

Real-life Reality Check

Aim: To test whether reality exists. To test the possibility of escaping subjective experience.


  1. Climb a mountain or precipice in your local neighbourhood.
  2. Jump.

Result: Fly = reality is irrelevant. Cannot Fly = well… reality is still irrelevant.

why jump off a mountain when you can just take off from the ground.

coz it’s more fun. Trust me.

Snape have you accepted yet that you can control your reality? Do you fly around and stuff?

No and no. If I could do this in real life, I’d hardly be spending all of my time trying to lucid dream. I just had a moment of realisation a couple weeks ago (I think a couple pages back), but not enough to allow me to do a Matrix-style back flip… yet.

Down the rabbit hole.

But you’re really trying though right?

To fly around in real life like Harry Potter without a broomstick? No. If anything I pursue a Buddhist philosophy (Mayahana Buddhism), with the ultimate goal of enlightment through loving kindness and compassion. Preferably during my lifetime or after death.

Understand that part of being wholesome of reality is to accept what we define as ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘perfect’ and ‘unperfect’.

We purposely create our worlds with flaws, so it gives us something to do. Ilovelucid, you created your reality with me telling you these things, simply to test you. It’s not important wether you think i’m a crackpot and ignore this or whether it changes your life entirely… It’s just the acceptance that -you- are manifesting this which is important.
The goal for most of us isn’t to prove to others we are alive, because we already truley believe we are. The limits one poses on one’s self and reality, and the destruction of those set obstacles is each and everyone’s journey alone.

Technodreamer: Yeah, you’re getting the hang of it :smile:

I don’t want to see this sink everyone needs to read it! :smile:

Noodle, your posts are very interesting, but there are some points of your philosophy I’m not sure about. The most important is: Do you think there is an objective reality? You say that we all create our reality. Would this mean, from my point of view, that I create all that I perceive? Do I create all that objectively is? Or is there an objective reality I can percieve but can choose to ignore?

Looking forward to your answer.

MedO, Yes, i say we all create our reality. You create everything, yes, and you percieve what you create. Perception is merely a filter placed over the existence of your creations. Whether ‘controllable’ (concious) or ‘uncontrollable’ (subconcious)**** your perceptions is merely the way you choose to accept/deny elements within your reality.

There is no objective reality. For an objective reality to exist, you must be able to percieve such a reality, in which you must create to be able to percieve.

Useful analogy: If reality is ‘objective’ than there must be some ‘element’ or force that governs such, that we are uncontrollable of. Let us represent such a figure as a personal entity, ie. “God”.

If reality is objective, than this must mean, if you zoom out of your house, then your city, then your country, then zoom out to the world, zoom out of the universe… you should be able to zoom out and observe ‘God’ governing such a universe.
The reason why such is not possible is because a ‘universe’ is encompassing all that exists. If you zoom out ‘past God’, doesn’t that just make you an element that exists further out of the universe than god? Because the further you zoom out, to the point where God is a tiny dot, you must realise you’re still in the ‘universe’ because you must exist. To view a completely objective reality, you would have to -exist- outside the -universe-.

Anyone else see a problem with existing in a theoretical area which only rule is to deny existence of anything/everything?

No matter how much you ‘zoom out’, you’ll simply create more ‘universe’ around you as long as you exist. Hence ‘uni’ = one. (you.) To exist outside the universe you’d have to stay in a state of duality, standing out in some other ‘verse’ watching yourself in the ‘universe’. But then hey… Can’t you just zoom out of that and watch yourself in duality, only to realise you’re in singularity? :smile: