Stop trying to dream.

LDreamer, as you said in your post, and with my philosophy, everything you do has an impact on something else. Every thought you think, even if its a ‘no that won’t work’ thought, causes a chemical reaction that is extremely similar to ‘it just worked’. Flip a coin. If you get the face you asked for, notice how you feel. Flip it again. Flip it again. When you get the face you didn’t ask for, see how you feel now. Very similar - but, not the same. It is the potential difference between these two energies that allows one to distinguish one’s potential energies.

Magicmind - right on. That tree fell, and boy did it make a sound! :happy: All because you didn’t believe in it - but because you already knew it. :smile:

TweaK, best of luck with your experiences. Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work all the time. Contrary, to a couple of people reading this thread would probably doubt me because I have very little lucid dreams. But this is simply because i have been conditioned myself against it. Those who can LD very often, are very lucky… But for me, I am constantly creating a mountain to climb, and every time i get halfway up it, i make it steeper. LD’s are like a trophy for me, not an everyday occurance. Working towards the goal of more dreams and more LD’s however, is my ‘mountain’.

Do your best, know your best.

If you’re running in a race and you want to know what position you are in, wait until you’ve crossed the line - then look around. If you look around before, you’ll see people in front of you, and people behind you, and this means you didn’t focus on the goal. If you put everything you have into it, and you turn around after the finish line - not only will you come first place, but soon you’ll realise, it didnt matter what place you came, because you’ve already passed the finish line (your goal) - making you the winner.

Thanks n00dle. Tonight I’m trying out “I am lucid” :smile: Again, thanks for your advice. Ofcourse I wont be disheartened or give up, I just started and this looks so awesome to me.


TweaK, don’t tell me you are -trying- out to be lucid, why aren’t you lucid already? :razz: :smile:

Hey, would you mind posting those two statements if it’s something you’d like to share?

About that state of “I AM” … I’ve been there before. It was only for a minute, but I was sucked into the present; the past and future ceased to exist. I knew that I was creating all of reality and I knew that I could work what people would call miracles, even though there is nothing truly miraculous about them at all. I felt myself come up to a cliff. All I had to do was decide to accept the dream, to live lucidly, to live in a state of constant creation. But I was afraid to take the step. I had 100% faith, but I was afraid because I knew I could never come back.

n00dle, if you haven’t read “Illusions: The Adventures of a reluctant messiah”, I would highly recommend it to you (and anyone else interested.) The wisdom in that book will take you as close to a “lucid life” as you’ll let it. The quotes below are from that book…

“Believe you know all answers, and you know all answers. Believe you’re a master, and you are.”

“Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.”

“If you want freedom and joy so much, can’t you see it’s not anywhere outside of you? Say you have it, and you have it! Act as if it’s yours, and it is!”

sage, i’ll look into that book, i have to order another book soon so i’ll add it to the list after i read a review :smile: Also lovely to hear about your state of oneness. I believe what you mentioned is the scariest part of ‘being one’. Where all time, space, and thoughts morph into one single statement: “If i go any further, I won’t be able to turn back”… Most of us are wise in not cutting the last thread anchoring us to shared reality just yet, but boy oh boy am i excited to reach one-ness to experience it’s pleasures, at the appropriate time of course(my physical death). But until then, many more LD’s to be had and many more projects to complete :content:

The two statements i issued to my friend were:

No assumptions, No expectations.

and uh. wow, i’m embarrased to say that currently i cannot recall the other statement, i have some small girlie issues on my mind that is distracting me :content: however if i cannot recall it soon, i will be seeing him on new years hopefully and he’ll probably rush up to me and recall them. :smile:

Awesome thread dude…

Very spiritual-self-helpish.

I think i’ve read things similar to this, gonna implement it now 100% to my life…

Heh, me too. I have some neurosis to destroy as well before i can implement such, but working towards the goal of implementation is what drives my existence.

I don’t know about that it’s like assuring yourself that you’re a god or something. And can do anything you want at anytime. And if this worked wouldn’t their already be many people flying around and destroying planets and creating universes and stuff?

And by the way I tried to do stuff just like I was in a lucid dream like not even thinking about it just doing it and it doesn’t work so I think you’ve all smoked yourselves crazy. :smile:

. . . .

And what do you mean sage when you say that you knew if you accepted this idea that you would never be able to “go back”. Would you have gone into your own reality that you could completely control and live in for all eternity or what. because then you could create your own universe and be the god of that universe like God is our God. But that leads to the thought that God is possible the creation of another. I could never accept this thought without perfect proof so I’m sorry but in my opinion you’re all full of bologna.

That’s nice dude.

Ok dude.

Certain things happen in life that change you forever. Certain choices are made from which there is no going back. In the physical realm, something like cutting off your arm means that you’re going to spend the rest of your life one-armed. In the spiritual realm, as you grow, learn, and evolve, Who You Are changes. You walk down certain paths and you have to see them through to the end. Maybe you don’t “have to” but you want to. You’ve moved on to something better. The old ways lose their appeal.

When I came to that cliff, I new that if I decided to accept Who I Am, there would be no going back. It would be like Jesus giving up his divinity and living as a normal guy. I don’t think I would have immediately gone into my own reality. I would have started out in this “consensual reality” we live in. Except that I would see through the illusions and be able to create my life exactly as I willed it. There are enlightened people in the world, but they are wise and have no need to advertise themselves. They enjoy life because they know that is their purpose. Remember the old saying: “Carry water, chop wood, reach enlightenment… carry water, chop wood.”

There are also other planes of existence. Englightened people may feel they’re ready to move on from realities that are bound by space and time. That might mean something more like an LD in which you are the god of your universe, I don’t know. All I know is that I came to a cliff and wasn’t ready to take the step. I thought that if I took that step, I’d have to become a Christ-like figure and spend my life healing people and preaching. I’ve since come to realize that isn’t true at all. Christ didn’t have to spend his life doing what he did. He chose to do what made him happy. When I reach that cliff again, I’m going to do what makes me happy.

I’m not asking you to accept any of this. You’ll never get the proof you’re looking for. I may very well be full of bologna. There’s really no way to tell. But I believe these things because it’s fun to believe them. It makes me happy. Nothing else really matters.

But do you think that if you accepted this that you could do anything you wanted, and by the way are you a Christian? Because I have been raised a Christian and that’s what makes it hard for me to believe this but throughout the day today after reading your post I have thought so many things that go against my religion that I feel bad now. :sad:

And by the way I do believe it says in the Bible that Christ was very reluctant to be crucified but he wanted to carry out God’s Will and he did. So I don’t know if him doing whatever made him happy is exactly true.

I think we can all do anything we want. We just don’t believe it or don’t want to accept it because then we realize we’re responsible for every bit of our lives. It’s much easier to think that things are out of our control.

I was raised a Christian, too. The thing about calling one’s self Christian is that it’s a word with lots of meanings and connotations. Most Christians wouldn’t call me a Christian, but I wouldn’t call most of them truly Christian either. That’s because I believe today’s church has lost touch with the power that it had during the time of the apostles and the early church. “Christian” means Christ-like. The apostles were very Christ-like. They walked on water, they had power over demons, disease, and the world. I’ve talked about this to some extent in other threads, so I won’t go over it again here. Search for some of my recent posts if you’re interested.

You may very well have to go against your religion, as it is taught, to find the true essence that’s been buried and hidden from you, to find your True religion.

You said that reading some of this stuff makes you feel badly. I understand. I think that you may be finding Truth in some of what you’ve been reading lately. And it’s different from what you’ve been taught. I’ll warn you… if you keep exploring this stuff, you’ll get to a point where you can’t go back. You’ll learn stuff that you’ll know with every ounce of your being to be true, and you’ll never be the same. I started down this path a few years ago, and it destroyed everything I thought I knew. I went through Hell for many months, my whole world changed. My God changed. It was painful to let go. But I got through it and ascended to beautiful places that I never knew existed and would have never known had I not gone through the changes.

Knowledge can be powerful stuff. It can destroy you if you’re not ready, or it can set you free if you let it. Turn back if you’re not ready, stop looking into this stuff.

Or if you’d like to go deeper, if you’d like to find new levels to Christianity, things your church will call blasphemy and of the devil (they said the same things to Jesus and his teachings), PM me and I’ll give you the name of a book.

Heh, I was watching the history channel on a list of sayings that were recorded from Jesus’s life and one kinda kicked the bible in the nuts. He said “Lucky is the lion who is killed by man for that lion will become man” and well it is to my knowlege that christians see reincarnation as the devil or something. So as I never really believed in any religion, Its funny to see that the christian saviour contradicted the religion based off of him, makes me see Jesus as probably the most misunderstood saviour, damn power hungery catholic demons. heh, Jesus probably didn’t even see himself as the son of god but man as the son of god, somewhere down the line the catholics in charge probably just changed it to make them seem like the shit. I hate human error, we coulda been an already evolved society if they hadn’t fucked up with the crusades and all. I mean doesn’t it make sence that everyone in essence saw the same god, just enterpreted it differently.

“Joy” is probably the word I should have used instead of “happy.” Happy, to me, refers to a temporary state of good feelings. Joy refers more to a happiness that transcends current circumstances. It gave Christ JOY to do his Father’s Will. He did what gave him the most joy.

That verse from the Gospel of Thomas isn’t necessarily talking about reincarnation.

But yes, Jesus is very misunderstood.