Last night I had a weird lucid experience:
I’m attending a scientific symposium about sleeping and dreaming. One of the speakers presents a detailed 2D graph about the various sleeping and dreaming stages. The next moment I’m standing in the middle of a very dark hilly landscape. I hear a voice saying “dreams about the number 12 are extremely important”. Again the dreamscape changes and I’m now standing in a beautiful spring garden filled with colours. I see all this in 3rd person, sometimes in 1st person; it varies a lot. In my hands I’m holding a big shining crystal ball. Slowly I let the ball levitate while flashes of purple, blue and white electricity are shooting from my hands. These seem to keep the ball under control. With my mind I try to shoot the ball away. At first it didn’t work very well, but when I lower my arms, the electric flames disappear and the ball suddenly accelerates into the air with an enormous speed, never to see again. I was only prelucid/low lucid here.
The next scene is about a rainy shopping center. Slowly I become lucid, and this is where the real strangeness begins. As soon as I become lucid I notice there’s a problem: I know I must be standing there in the rain but I can’t see myself. I can’t even feel myself being there. The only thing I perceive at that moment is this sight of a rainy shopping center. I felt both like being a small point of awareness and like being the entire dreamscape at once. I was also in an extremely 3rd person position: although I was lucid I couldn’t do ANYTHING about the dreamscape. People were just walking by in the rain. Nobody saw me and I couldn’t explore my LD. Then I saw a strange guy with a bowler hat. I tried to manipulate him with my mind but this didn’t have the slightest effect on him. I really tried to realize the consequences of my situation and I knew this guy was only a product of my mind, thus I must be able to control him. But this didn’t help anything. Then I woke up.
Does anyone else experienced such situation upon becoming lucid? What can you do about it?? I tried to keep my mind as flexible as possible but this was clearly not enough… Any suggestions are welcome